NH4 Case Study

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2.1. National Highway NH 4 The Golden Quadrilateral comprises of the NH4 Highway from National Highway 4 (NH 4) is a major National Highway in Western and Southern India. NH 4 links four of the 10 most populous Indian cities - Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, and Chennai. NH 4 is 1,235 km (767 mi) in length and passes through the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Road transport has emerged as the dominant segment in India’s transportation sector with a share of 4.7 per cent in India’s GDP in comparison to railways that had a 1 per cent share of GDP in 2009-10 as per the data on National Accounts released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO). 2.2. Issues in National Highway NH4 2.2.1. Landuse Changes in Land …show more content…

The beds contain marine intercalations.[Murthy, et.al.] Their litho logic suites and fossil fauna are suggestive of deposition under shallow and brackish conditions, probably close to the shoreline.[Sastry …show more content…

Land use patterns can have diverse economic, social and environmental impacts: some some require less impervious surface (buildings and pavement) per capita and so preserve more openspace (gardens, farmland and natural habitat), and some are more accessible and so reduce transportation costs to businesses and consumers. Transportation planning decisions influence land use directly, by affecting the amount of land used for transport facilities, and indirectly, by affecting the location and design of development. For example, expanding urban highways increases pavement area, and encourages more dispersed, automobile-oriented development (sprawl), while walking, cycling and public transit improvements encourage compact, infill development (smart

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