Myth Of Sisyphus Comparison Essay

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Toward the end of the semester we read Albert Camus version of the Myth of Sisyphus. Albert Camus version was different from the original. Albert Camus made it seem like Sisyphus’s punishment was a good thing. He made it look like Sisyphus accepted and acknowledged his actions and his punishment was merely a daily task. Sisyphus’s punishment from the gods, was for eternity, that he has to roll a rock up a hill and when he reaches the top, he has to let that rock roll back down the hill. Which made me think about what exactly is my rock. I thought to myself what do I do on a daily basis that I work hard for till I reach the top, then able to let it back down like Albert Camus version of the Myth of Sisyphus. Well, a rock is something you don't want to do, but you still do it because it gives you a sense of fulfillment. I believe that my rock is school in general. I think getting good grades also became a factor to why school is my rock. Especially, since I am a junior this year because this is the year colleges look at our grades. It’s been hard on me this semester because the number of classes …show more content…

It’s not something that I enjoy doing, but I continue to do it because I know something good will come out of it. Since I take on school as my responsibility, when I complete something and get a good grade for it I get a sense of fulfillment and I feel very proud of myself. I also don’t want to disappoint my family because they have done a lot for me and I don't want my parents to be seen as parents of a dropout or me being a useless daughter. The reason why I am still going to school is because I know that school will be the reason to my success in the future. I know that in order to succeed and survive in this society you need to complete your education therefore, I will continue to do so and aim to be a proud daughter that I want to be for my

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