My Writing Experience

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Since the beginning of time, well my time on earth, I cannot remember a time when I did not love to read or write. It has always been a favorite pastime of mine. I am a huge fan of fiction, and have always had a very overactive imagination. My overactive mind had led to an abundance of stories as a young child. I constantly had my nose stuck in a book, or my pencil to paper, writing away at some story I thought was the next New York Times bestseller. However, reading them now I pity all of my teachers that had to read these crazy stories titled “Dwagle,” and pretend that they were exceptional. I only wonder what could have been going through their mind, when reading my story about a dog, whale, and dolphin, all combined together to form the …show more content…

I started having less time to read, but still did it every second I could. I would put off all of my homework so that I could read just a chapter of whatever book I was on, but somehow that always ended in me staying up late hours of the night, quickly finishing the entire book. I would go to the library every day after school just to read. (I still know every librarian there by name). My dad and I would constantly search for books at yardsales, hoping to find a book that no one else knew about and could be our treasure. The library in New Londan constantly had books sales- fill a walmart sack for a dollar. A dollar? That is the best deal in the world for books, and my dad and I somehow managed to always walk out with about three bags. 7th grade year, I was still an accelerated reader so I got put into honors English. It was very fun and I finally felt challenged with my writing and reading. I constantly asked Mrs. Stater for any book suggestions she had. If we are being honest, I somehow still have about five of her books at my house. I started to lose my love for writing in 7th grade, because we did what felt like a lot of writing in honors English, so I never felt up to writing even more in my free

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