My Worst Nightmare

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My Worst Nightmare The howling wind rattled the windowpanes in the

bitter, damp night outside. I twisted and turned under my thin covers.

My teeth chattered in the chilly air around me. I couldn't sleep. My

sweat dripped down my forehead and my heart was thumping hard at my

chest. I was always afraid of the dark and I still am. But this was

the first time I had slept alone in a hollow, ominous and shadowy room

with no wallpaper. Instead of a carpet, there were filthy floorboards

that creaked and moaned. There was also a wardrobe that I had never

opened before because we had only moved in this huge house yesterday.

I was afraid of this great, dirty old piece of furniture. But never

mind that. I turned over and prayed that I would go to sleep. I

couldn't drift off. It was no use. I turned on my lamp and stood up.

Is there anything here to do, I wandered. I decided to go downstairs

to watch TV. The floorboards creaked under my feet as I slowly and

silently crept downstairs. Then suddenly I stopped, my heart beating

so fast that I thought my ribs were going to crack. Hands clutched

tightly on the stair railings, I strained my ears for the sound that

just came from the living room. Low moans could be heard, like a

wounded dog. I struggled to catch my breath for a moment. But just

then there came an angry growl. My blood froze and my whole body

seemed like carved ice. Then tremulously, I stumbled to the living

room door and opened it.

I almost screamed when I saw the two occupants sitting on our living

room couch. But I couldn't. I just stared, gaping in ho...

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...e witch just burned and screamed. Then she sent her last

spell before a trail of ash was left on the floor.

The spell hit me and I screamed and yelled myself until someone

slapped me on the face. I opened my eyes. It was my sister.

" Hey, what's with the screaming," my young sister cried out. I looked

around. I was back in my plain bedroom with the big wardrobe and it

was morning. I gasped for breath.

" I had a nightmare. Oh lord it was only a nightmare."

" I had a nightmare too," said my sister.

" Did you," I replied. I was so relieved.

" Yeah," my sister went on, " I dreamt about a witch who bit my neck."

I looked at her neck. It had deep cuts. My lips began to tremble.

" You still have the cuts," I cried out.

" I know," croaked my sister, her eyes flashing. "Welcome to your real


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