My True Self

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The process of knowing and understanding your true self can feel like a marathon. Often hearing the phrase “discovery of self” causes me to hurl because of the saturation of its use making the phrase an absolute cliché. Although it may seem Meaningless at times, the cliché’s original meaning has gained a new importance in my life now that I am transitioning into a position of independence. Knowing myself does not seem to be a Herculean task, but I find myself at age seventeen and I have only seen a glimmer of my inner thoughts and nature. The effortless thing to do is to follow the crowd and be pushed into a position of who your peers assume you are allowing no room for growth. The further I progress in life I find myself more influenced by my peers and forced to abide by social conventions never allowing me to be myself. Through this time of adversity my true self can emerge, and it is evident I am a sage, seeker, and creator. For example, last summer, my nature as a creator became evident …show more content…

I can’t recall a specific event in my life that clearly shows that I am a sage, but it would be apparent after analyzing my thought process. As a sage I seek “to see the world and [myself] objectively.” I love learning new things, and that includes watching the news and keeping up with current events. Although the sources are reliable, places of learning often sell their opinion as fact. Typically, after watching these shows I take a bit of time to analyze the new knowledge I have received. I think about it from different perspectives and the possible outcomes of these current events. Even before bed I often let my mind wonder and try and seek truth in the mess of biases. I simaltaniously begin churning out ideas on ways to understand everything around me. The sage achetype may come as a surprise to some, but, with all the thinking I do that nobody really knows, it does not come as a surprise to

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