My Story Critique: Verbal And Nonverbal Communication

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“My Story” Critique

In my “My Story” I used verbal and nonverbal communication throughout. I used each one for different reasons too. I feel my nonverbal communication was best in my presentation but, the verbal communication definitely complimented my nonverbal communication. My nonverbal communication was all the pictures I put in “My Story”, and my verbal communication was me talking, and explaining the pictures in “My Story”. Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, and Hosek (2016) says complementing is “using nonverbal and verbal codes to add meaning to each other and to expand the meaning of either message alone”(p.68). My verbal and nonverbal worked together smoothly to expand the meaning of their separate messages, which helped others perceive it in a more meaningful way. …show more content…

Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, and Hosek (2016) says repeating is “sending the same message both verbally and nonverbally” (pg.68). I did repeating in multiple slides so those certain parts are perceived to others as significant The parts that I had repeating of verbal and nonverbal communication are also the most important parts in “My Story”, which is what I wanted others to perceive those parts as. Also in “My Story” I used some nonverbal messages (pictures) as a substitute instead of using verbal messages. Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, and Hosek (2016) would define substituting as “using nonverbal codes instead of verbal codes” (p68). I did this in “My Story” because some pictures I felt were better to explain certain things, than anything I could have said. I only did this for one nonverbal message (picture) because, I felt others would perceive it better in their own way, rather than me using verbal communication to

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