My Sophomore Year Research Paper

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My Sophomore year in Trinity Catholic was full of fun, stress, yet very enjoyable. This year was filled with great memories with friends, fun adventures with friends, and a great learning experience. This year marked a great leap for my education. This year I took classes that I liked and also had teachers that I liked. This year, I made great memories in and out of school, with friends of old and new (Matt Garrido, Adrian, Liam, Kevin, Daniel, Alejandro, Chris Bode, Bilal, Tyler, Twisted, Andres, Zalio, Syerra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Charlene, Julian, Ian, and many many more). I would describe my sophomore year almost like a movie. Old classics like Fasts Time at Richmond High and Dazed and Confused. My Sophomore year wasn't exactly …show more content…

Throughout my school life English class wasn't always my favorite, however, this year really change my love for English class. In the beginning of the year, I wasn't interested or even liked English class. It was filled with multiple essays and multiple projects due almost close to each other with no room to breath. Towards the middle of this school year and the end of the school year, I started to like English class. The stories we read interested me, The tests we took were surprisingly easy for me, and the projects we were assigned were fun and exciting to do. The biggest reason I like English class this year was definitely because of my English teacher Ms. Webb. The reason Ms. Webb is a great teacher and made English 2 Honors fun for me was because she understood us as students. She understood that we were stressed out about projects or tests, and she also understood that we had other classes to deal with. She would very often help us out by pushing dates, or helping us stress out a little less. Ms. Webb also was very funny and made the class enjoyable to learn. Thanks to Ms. Webb my year in Trinity Catholic was fun and entertaining for English class. With me working extra hard on my work and having a great teacher, I deserve a passing grade in

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