My Reflection Of Becoming An Effective Teacher

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Becoming an effective educator takes passion, dedication, and a desire for continuing education. This program so far has helped open my mind to new teaching philosophies, instructional strategies and helped me hone my craft in becoming a better and more effective classroom teacher. Through the program, the many resources utilized and topics covered, I have seen myself grow as an educator and begin implementing new ways of thinking into my classroom.
My coursework so far has helped me becoming more proficient in reaching the learning outcomes set forth for this program. The emphasis on differentiation in each course so far has helped me build my a more complete understanding in reaching outcome 1(Treat students equitably, recognizing the individual differences that distinguish one student from another and adjusting their practice based on observation and knowledge of their students’ interests, abilities, skills, knowledge, family circumstances, and peer relationships.) According to …show more content…

Another outcome that I am still working to achieve and strive to accomplish more completely is outcome 2 (Create multiple paths to the subjects they teach, through their knowledge of how the subject is created, organized, linked to other disciplines, and applied to real-world settings.) Due to the nature of my current teaching position, my classroom and instruction is STEM based. I would like to continue to find ways to incorporate other subject matter into my STEM education and

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