My Personality Type

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Ever wondered what it is that compels people toward a certain career, or why they excel at certain things they might enjoy? Certain careers that an individual might enjoy and excel at often depends on their personality type, as well as their interests and income requirements. My personality type is labeled as INTJ- Architect- and it fits me completely, as the career I am looking for is an Architect (16Personalities). Although the time it would take before I could follow up on the career to be an architect is about half a decade, it would meet my income requirements as well as my interests in building/constructing and strategic planning. It also would be something I would thoroughly enjoy- which in turn will affect my performance positively. Personality types play an important role in choosing a career. For example, if an individual sees things from a logical standpoint, they might have difficulty with occupations where creativity is required. As an architect, my personality type suggests that I think of things in a more logical standpoint, using self-knowledge to explain situations. “People with the Architect personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy. With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself …show more content…

If I continue on with schooling it’ll be easier for me to remember what it is I learned, since there wouldn’t be a long break in between. I will continue as it will “...require completion of a 5-year Bachelor of Architecture program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)” ( I am already doing work for school, so I might as well continue on while everything is still fresh in my mind. The earlier I start studying for the Bachelor of Architecture program, the earlier I can get it finished and start working on the career

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