My Otherness Essay: I Am A Loner

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My “otherness” is that I am a loner by choice. I find that the people I’ve let get the closest to me always tends to stab me in my back. I feel as though people will smile in your face and claim to be your friend. I know that I’m a good person and I have a huge heart. I will do almost anything for someone, and I have no problem helping anyone in need. I may have a slight temper, but that's due to the things that have happen to me. I don't let too many things get to me, but there is one incident in particular. It may not seem like much but it was enough for me to become a loner. I have a close friend of mine name Bump,and we've been knowing one another 20 plus years. Even though members of my family never really cared too much for him. My mother used to tell me years ago, “Bump is really jealous of you, and you shouldn't trust him and be friends with him like you do.” I never understand why, I don't have much to brag about. How
It was times where we used to party and hang out almost everyday. Due to certain circumstances, I couldn't hang out and party like I used too. We grew apart for a while and I really can't explain why, It just happened I guess. He was dealing with a young lady that I felt was ruining his life. Even though I didn't agree with his current living situation at the time, when things got hot and heavy , I was always there to be his escape route. It was times when him and his current girlfriend at that time,would fight and I was the first person on the scene to diffuse the situation or just take him away from the situation. I got really sick of going out of my way to save this guy from another problem. It got to the point when I just stopped showing up when he needed me to. We stop hanging out all together, and our friendship sort of drifted away. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into more

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