Priestley's Main Aim in An Inspector Calls

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Priestley's Main Aim in An Inspector Calls

Topic – “we don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are

responsible for each other”. What is Priestley’s main aim in “an

inspector calls”? How successfully does he achieve this?

J.B Priestley’s main aim in writing “an inspector calls” was to

highlight the problems in society of 1912 and to make the audience

appreciate that the problems would only be solved if people took

responsibility for each other. He also wished to write an exciting

play that would be watched by many people.

Priestley used the Birling family to highlight the problems in 1912,

and in particular how they do not take responsibility for others. Mr

birling treats Eva Smith badly. Eva used to work at his factory; she

was a ringleader until she went on strike. He only paid her 22/6 and

she needed more money. So she said to him give me 25/6 because of that

he sacked her and he fired the other four ringleaders. I learnt that

Mr Birling is a very cruel man. I think this because of what he did to

Eva. “Look there’s nothing mysterious or scandalous about this

business at least not so far I am concerned”. All he cares about is

his money. He does not take responsibility for others except for his

daughter. He is very protective of his daughter. He also respects his

daughter’s engagement to Gerald “am treating Gerald like one of the

family”. Mr Birling also likes giving people advice and he is a

wealthy capitalist.

Sheila Birling’s treatment of Eva Smith also shows us how women of the

working classes were often treated in 1912. Sheila Birling is the rich

spoilt daughter of Mr Birling. She uses her position as the daughter

of a wealthy business man. She treats Eva Smith very badly. Sheila

loses her temper and gets her sacked from milwards. She is jealous of

Eva because Eva is pretty and suited the dress and she did not. “In

fact in a way, you might have been said to have been jealous of her”.

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