My Old Kentucky Home: The Golden Age Of Cartoons

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Over the past decades, since TV was implemented in every home on a global scale, children tend to spend a great deal of time watching cartoons on a daily basis. Who doesn’t vividly remember sitting for hours in front of the television watching the famous Walt Disney cartoons such as Mickey Mouse. All kids love cartoons regardless the figures that are famous in each era owing to the fact that those colorful illustrations are captured in the minds of children from the little age. However, the extended watching of cartoons can imply a significant number of physical and psychological problems that are analyzed subsequently in the project.

The history of cartoons begins in 1832 with the invention of a machine called phenakistoscope which produced movement from sequential drawings. However, this device was not further developed. In 1877, Charles-Emile Reynaud, who was a French science teacher, created …show more content…

Columbia and paramount productions were the most famous distributors among a variety of companies which were creating cartoons. The first time a soundtrack was applied to cartoons was in 1926 when Max Fleischer directed the film called ‘My Old Kentucky Home’. Despite the fact that Fleischer used a new sound system, the film faced problems with sound synchronization. Walt Disney found a more effective system to synchronize the sound by using a click track during the recording session in 1928 cartoon Steamboat starring Mickey Mouse. "Mickey Mousing" became a term for any movie action (animated or live action) that was perfectly synchronized with music. The music used is original most of the time, but musical quotation is often employed. Animated characters usually performed the action in "loops". In 1937, Disney created the first sound and color animated feature film Snow White and the Seven

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