My Mentor Essay

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My mentor is a family friend that's older. She has been around for more than fifty years. A few personal things about her is that she´s 74 years old, very talkative, and short. I´d say she’s about 5´2. Her name is Betty and she´s from Jamestown, New York. Some personal things about me is that i’m 16 years old, smart, and my height is about 5´4. One thing that we have in common is that we are both from New York. The difference is that we are from different cities. She’s from Jamestown and i’m from Brooklyn.
She treats me like i’m her own granddaughter. I was about one years old when I first met her. Me and my family were in New York at the time so a year later when I was one years old we came back to Ohio. So we met in the year 2000 fifteen …show more content…

You will figure it out soon.”
After a while I caught on to what it meant. She was referring to the time I thought I was Tough. I remember not showing any type emotion or weakness at that time. Another one she said to me was “Treat others with respect if you want to be treated with respect.” She said that because I was always being mean to my siblings. I thought I could do that because I was the oldest out of all of them. I thought that they had to do everything for me. Even though I was the oldest I still was young at the time.
I’ve taught my mentor a lot of things. Some things I taught her were about technology, trends, and music. She said some of the music today that the kids listen to sounds like trash. I somewhat agreed with that. She liked some trends and she disliked some trends. One thing she doesn’t like is dying your hair a crazy color. She said it looked like a walking rainbow. I wasn’t fond of it anyways so I never did it. I’ve taught my siblings most of the things she’s taught me. One thing I thought them was how things were back in the olden days. I’ve also taught them to learn responsibility while you’re young, and you have to work hard for the things you want. I thought these tips were important to know so I taught them

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