My Marking Period Project

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My knowledge of not only myself but of my friends and others has greatly increased due to the past marking period projects. As I reflect, I believe I learned the most about myself as well as my friends during the first marking period project with comparing my culture to someone else. For that project I chose one of my best friends from Ireland as a way to understand her culture more. The cultural information I learned from my friends allowed me to open my eyes to actions and traditions I never knew about her before. For example, when I asked a question about Gaeilge, the Irish language, her passion and emphasizes on the importance of the language and the wide-spread belief that Irish is the cultural foundation of Ireland shocked me. I never seized the opportunity to learn and understand the language; her information about the language further enlarged my regret. …show more content…

Although she was older than most when she began practicing as an Irish dancer, she informed me on the cultural importance of the dance and how her confidence rose. While I did increase my overall knowledge of my friend, I also became more aware of myself and what make me, me. This project pushed myself to ask family members about our culture which resulted in me receiving answers that included multiple new aspects to my culture that I never truly recognized before. I began to recognize more of my family and I’s traditions and their long history. This project made my family and I bond grow stronger and increased my knowledge of our culture. Therefore, the 1st marking period project allowed myself to increase my knowledge about my own culture, beyond what I had known before, and truly learn a significant amount my friend and her Irish

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