My Marching Experience Essay

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As for music training, being part of the Symphonic Band for the past 3 years has improved my understanding of what is expected from every individual in the band. I have gained knowledge on how to practice on difficult passages and how to develop a good tone. Most importantly, I know how to practice the right way to efficiently learn a piece. This is a very crucial skill as many practices the wrong way and ask why they haven’t gotten better. I would be able to help all my peers with their playing thanks to all these key fundamentals I have learned from being in the Symphonic Band. As for my marching experience, after 3 years I have learned many key components that helped me develop good technique on the field. I have clear understanding of the …show more content…

Since my middle school year, I have always wanted to help my peers in there playing. Of course, I did not have the knowledge needed to help others. But now I am sure that from all I have learned from my directors, I am able to help every single one of my peers. I will dedicate all my time in the band hall, walking around and trying to help anyone in need. For example, if a bass clarinet is trying to learn their music fast, I would explain to them why that is wrong and how to practice the right way. Then I would work 2 measures with them as an example of how to practice.
In my previous year, I have seen how some drum major start getting into conflicts with their peers. One of the way I would avoid conflict is by not trying to act superior to my peers. I am a leader and nothing more, I am there to be their example and their leader. That is one mistake I have seen a previous Drum Major do and I would never act like. If for some reason there is conflict between me and a peer/group of peers, I would consult with a director and try to directly ask, in a calm way, what I have done to offend them, and I would apologize. No one would need to know, that would be something between me, the directors, and my peer/group of

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