My Life Changing Moment Research Paper

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Everyone goes through an incident that has shaped them to who they are today. Maybe one went through a tragic accident, family death, family separation, or even love problems. Many things can change a person, some people may change for the worse, but hopefully everyone can change for the better. My life changing event occurred during spring break of my fifth grade year. I came home from school one day, to find out that my dad would eventually buy the grocery store in Meade, KS. Not too far away from where I had grown up for eight years, but far enough to make a major change in my life. Different school systems, people, lifestyles, peer behavior, and beliefs threw my world in loops, but in the end the move has positively impacted me to be who …show more content…

Every morning and afternoon I rode on a yellow school bus, every bus driver and every student on my route held a special place in my heart. All of the hugs from the students and staff, made my heart break into pieces. Even walking out of my dad's office for the last time and telling all of the coworkers goodbye caused emotional weakness for me. Hugoton stood as the only thing I knew for eight years, I grew up day by day in the same house, town and community. Money never came easy during this period, a riff between the parents usually occurred once every two weeks about financial problems. The new job opportunity for my dad moved our family up spiritually in many great ways. He previously worked under the wing of Pat White for too many years, the time had come for him to grow his own business and make his own personal income. The journey began quickly, we moved into a two bedroom rental by the airport in Meade during late March of 2009. Dad stayed very busy between the move and the new store. Austin and I despised our room in the rental, mice and spiders lived everywhere and our closet space remained super …show more content…

When I went to enroll, the nerves kicked in, so many questions rolled through my brain. Many new faces stood before me, I met my new homeroom teacher Mrs. Harris and her daughter, who showed me around the school that day. The kids all acted so different, looked different, talked in a different tone, and respected teachers differently. I knew from the first moment I stepped in my new classroom that my life was taking a new path. It took me a long time to settle in with new friends, I would make one, but they usually did not stay by my side. Luckily, about a month after the move I made a stable friendship with one of the guys in the class that I could count on. Making friends was hard for me, but once I found the perfect friend the rest fell into place. I loved the new setting I felt welcome in many different ways, and there was more one to one interaction with the teachers. The one to one interaction has allowed me to learn more and ask more questions which shapes my future education. Many of my friends from Hugoton will not be attending college, I feel that with the move to Meade, I am pressured to move forward with life and take the next step. Meade has give me a good standing on education and my

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