My House Essay

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Observation and Result in My House Both of my parents are working, so m family is a two income family. Differed from the general idea and the previous research mentioned above, wife should do housework, both father and mother should do house tasks in my family. For me, their division of labor in house seems pretty equal. Usually, my father does (1) cooking for dinner, (2) taking out the trash, (3) cleaning bathroom, and (4) washing dishes while my mother does (1) cooking for breakfast, (2) washing clothes, (3) maintaining a flower bed, and (4) cleaning living room. My younger sister folds up our clothes. Any other tasks are done by who realizes first. Since my parents was working, they hired two housekeepers as domestic outsourcing, “which is paying non-family members to do family-related tasks” (Wade and Ferree, 2014, p. 354) when my sister and I was small. They cared us. After growing up, the biggest sister began to take care of younger siblings. Before I realized the equal division of housework between my father and my mother, almost all house-tasks seem to be done …show more content…

(2007) explains that individual characteristics have the significantly influenced on division of household labor, my father’s characteristic might seem more feminine than masculine. When asking why do you do the housework equally although most of men do not do that, he told he likes cooking and cleaning, and he added the comments because we both are working. It is not fair if she does all the housework. Sanchez and Thomson (1997) found that men become working more time when they become father. In the case of my father, he has four children including me. As the number of children increased, he began come buck home earlier from the workplace. My mother shortened her time of working only once when I was a 5 years old but when I was 10 years old, she began to work fulltime again because she likes her job. Thus, compared to the study, my father and my mother are a little bit

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