My Grandpa Obituary Essay

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Death. Death is a touchy subject for most people. My story of death is on my grandpa. My grandpa died in 2013, I was 15. It wasn’t easy, it was very hard. Losing a grandparent for me was so hard because my grandpa was like my father. My grandpa was always there for me because my dad wasn’t. To this day, I remember so vividly waking up early in the morning to go fishing with him and I was so impatient and complained the whole time because I never caught a fish. He always laughed at me and told me to try again. When my sister and I were younger my grandpa brought us to a Phillies baseball game and I remember waving a foam finger in the air. My sister and I went down to the field with the mascot and did the YMCA. My grandpa was family friends with the mascot.
About eight months before my grandpa died he was diagnosed with oral cancer. This was a very hard time for me and my family because no one saw it coming. My grandpa …show more content…

His obituary was so beautiful. The side of his obituary says, “Beloved father, grandfather, son, brother, friend and coach.” The bottom of his obituary are the Phillies and Penn State logos, his favorite teams. My grandpa was so loved by so many different people. In the beginning of this paper, I wrote that my grandfather was like my father. What I mean by that is, my grandpa was always there unlike my own father. My grandpa made it to every sporting event/concert. Even though my dad isn’t in my life, I can always thank my grandpa for showing me what it was like to have a father. For my confirmation in sixth grade, my grandpa wrote on a card, “Love you always and God bless you.” I know my grandpa will be with me wherever I go, but I wanted his words to always be imprinted on me. In July I got a tattoo on my shoulder, the tattoo is what my grandpa wrote me in sixth grade. To a lot of people, it’s just a tattoo, but to me it’s more than a tattoo. It’s my grandpa telling me that he loves me

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