My First Discovery Research Paper

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I have been avoiding writing this post. There is something about the first discovery that is more difficult to discuss than any other subsequent discovery. It is deeply personal, and even though it has almost been 11 years it is like a movie that I have seen & re-live just about every day since. As the years have gone on, my view of that day changes. I can watch it more detached than in the initial years. This my attempt to re tell that day as best as I can. It was May 28th, 2005. It was my last day on medical leave before returning to work after having emergency abdominal surgery 6 weeks prior. It was the perfect West Michigan day. Sunny, and mid-70's it couldn't have been more picturesque. However if you have ever been in Michigan, we have a saying: if you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes it will change. I can still see the time in the corner of the computer screen 8:48 AM. I sat down,pulled up the search engine, and typed...www Intending to pull up the local news stations weather report. I was thinking, a trip to the beach would do me a bit of good and I was intent on making the most of this last day of freedom. However, what I saw come up in recent searches that included websites that were not only porn, but a site that was specifically designed for "hooking up on-line or in person." I couldn't breathe. My thoughts raced …show more content…

My ex came and picked up the kids from school and kept them for dinner that nigh so I could just focus on me. Most of which I spent pacing, mind racing, praying that God give me strength and wisdom, crying A LOT, running through every possible scinario on what his reaction might be, wanting to die, wanting to kill him, and still hoping for a logical

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