My Favorite Song Analysis

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When thinking of my favorite song many things come to mind, things like how it makes me feel and the ways it connects with my own experiences and opinions. A favorite song is something very personal and is usually very important to the individual and can do many things from bring a tear to your eye to making you want to dance. When I think of these things I have one particular song that comes to mind, the song that I am of course referring to is Country Trash by Johnny Cash (1973) from his album Any Old Wind That Blows. I first heard this song a few Hanukkahs ago when my dad as a present bought me a record player and a few vinyl albums, my favorite of these being Any Old Wind That Blows. I sat listing to the record for a time until I got to this song, after hearing this song the first time I proceeded to play it repeatedly for longer than I care to admit. There was just something about this song that immediately connected with me and my upbringing. …show more content…

The most meaningful thing for me in this are the lyrics, they are a reflection of the hardworking way of life that I had been brought up in. In the song Johnny Cash sings about the pleasures to be found in the seemingly tedious hard work, even at the end when it becomes apparent that he is no longer being rewarded with the fruits of his labor he still continues to have an overall positive tone. This reflects the attitude of country life by showing that while it can be going well you are never truly free from

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