My Father Achievements

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“If you love your job, it will not feel like a job,” said Libardo Ochoa, my father, A graduate from NEIT (New England Institute of Technology) who studied Mechanical Engineering. He is not your average Mechanical engineer; he’s much more than that. To elaborate, the evidence that shows his accomplishments and achievements can be found by simply Googling his name. Googling his name will show the 74 patents he currently holds as well as his record with NEIT. As he says so himself “I did not obtain my achievements and accomplishments because of some luck, I worked hard for them.” Besides being a great Mechanical Engineer he has also been a great father to me. He has helped me solve many problems not by holding my hand through them but teaching me the right way and guiding me. In My father 's case, he has always been there for me but his habits of determination and leadership were developed at a much younger age. As a young man in Colombia, my father Libardo had to make a choice. Either take the easy way, have no ambition and feel bad for his current situation and become acclimated with it or work harder and make his own path which sounds much harder than said due to the environment he lived in. Despite the odds stacked against him, like poverty, growing up without a father, and working …show more content…

During this time he became a supplies drivers for Keefe correctional facilities and quit his last job. Days became longer and work became much harder. Many nights libardo spent up and woke up early to finish many different projects, papers, and presentations for college. Often I would wake up and find his text books, papers and notes spread on our dining room table making the connection that he was working late to complete assignments to show his very best to not only his professors but peers as well. Libardo’s hardship made him stronger and motivated him to work harder in hope of finding his dream

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