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Inquiry essay on role model
The effects of family dynamics
Inquiry essay on role model
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No one can’t meet a family like mine’s. My family is well diversified. Every family member plays an important role in all my family’s lives. In my family, there are four people: my father, my mother, my little brother and me. My father is one who brings money home and is also responsible for organizing and planning family trips. My mother is the one who is in charge for making meals and makes sure everyone eats at the appropriate times. My little brother is the pet of the family. He actually doesn’t have any responsibilities, for he’s the pet. I am the rock of support in my family. I always go beyond my parents’ expectations. I also support my younger cousins and little brother, by being a role model that they can look up to. Another reason why I’m known as a rock of support is the fact how I am always there for my family during the ups and downs of life.
One reason why I’m known as a rock of support in my family is the fact that I always do what I’m told to do, by my parents. As the eldest child, I’m given numerous responsibilities. My parents have certain expectations of me. Depending, on the task, it is common for me to go beyond their expectations. For example, when my parents ask me do my laundry; I go beyond of what is expected of me. I do the laundry of all my family members. After the clothes have in the washing machine and dryer, I then clean the lint filter. I then iron the clothes that require ironing. After, I organize the finished laundry by the person who wears it. Clearly, one can see how my task was to just put my clothes in the washing machine. My parents didn’t tell me to do the whole family’s laundry, but I still did it. They didn’t ask me to iron the finished laundry, but I did it. I always surprise my paren...
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...overtime. His team won the regional championships. After the game, He came up to me and thanked me for showing my support. That was just one of countless examples that clearly show how I am a rock of support for my family. I support the tragic and joyful events that occur in my family’s life.
My family is very unique. Consisting of four people, everyone has their own special role in the family. I am known as the rock of support in my family. I know my supportiveness through numerous ways. One common way I show it by going beyond my parents’ expectations. I show this by doing the chores at home and other duties which my parents won’t be expecting me to fulfill. Another way I show how I am a rock of support is by being a role model to both my brother and my younger cousins. Being there for my family through the ups and downs of life is another way I show my support.
My family is a little different than most. I have two families; I have my mother’s side, which I live with, and I have my father’s side, which I only see about once a year. My families are
As a child, I often avoided confrontation by keeping my opinions to myself, no matter how offensive someone was. But when someone directed negative comments toward my autistic brother who could not defend himself, I lost my self-control. Witnessing the struggles Bo has gone through, I feel it is cruel and ignominious to belittle the battles autistic children deal with daily. I share this story to help disclose the need to treat others with the courtesy we all deserve.
Family plays a big part in my household. My family I consider has a lot of similar characteristics to the Monolithic Family Form. The only characteristic that I don’t see in my family is the mother being a household wife and staying home with the children. Both of my parents have jobs and still manage to actually be a family and have family time. Also they find time to do household
The marital subsystem between my parents in many ways is “fluid” (Eleanor Lynch 79) and overlap with the parental subsystem, as well as the sibling subsystem. My parents have always included their decisions, even financial ones, with my brother and I. We always evaluate big “life-altering” decisions together, which I think really allows children growing up to feel a sense of belonging and responsibility – choices allow independence. The interactions between my parental subsystems with my parents differ from that with my sibling’s subsystem with my parents. My parents are much more trusting of my input and output I think due to my ongoing dedication to education, work, and responsibilities, where as my brother’s choice as an adult to drop out of college really disappointed them. Even though I am the youngest, I am trusted with more responsibilities than my brother. The subsystem with my brother and I is very different since I trust and value my brother’s opinions more than my parents do because I believe education can be reached in different settings, not just in a classroom. I respect his different ideas, beliefs and customs and together we try and introduce my parents to new ideas, cultures and food, breaking them from safety zones and their Irish-American, Catholic subsystems they are use to growing up
To me, family is the most important thing in my life. They always encourage me to be the best I can be and nothing more. A quote that I think describes family to me is one by Alex Haley that states, “In every conceivable manner, the family is the link to our past, and bridge to our future.” Through the stories I hear from my mother and grandmother, I have a clear link to my families past and the generation of women that led to me. All the values these women held close to them throughout the years have led to the formation of myself and my values. Over the past three generations, the women in my family have overcome oppression. My mother, growing up in a time where women could never have aspirations to be CEO’s or politicians, somehow came out stronger. She saw what she didn’t want for her future, and jumped at the chance to start a new life in America. No single model of family life characterizes the American family, despite ideological beliefs to the contrary (Andersen). My family couldn’t be labeled an “Italian family” or an “American family.” We are a mix of the two cultures and ideologies, which is what makes us different. I am the first women in my mother’s family to be born and raised in America. My great grandmother had a complete different childhood and adolescence experience than I yet we still have a common cultural base. All her ideals were passed onto my grandmother, than all the down to me, a hundred years in the making to become who I am
As the child of immigrants coming from an island where social structure is strict and gender plays a big role in determining what a child does and grows up to be, I spent a lot of my childhood looking after others. As a female I followed what my mother did, and what her mother spent her days doing before her. This passing of tradition meant getting up before the men did, to prepare myself and make sure I looked presentable, braids done and skirt dirt and wrinkle free. Then I would hurry to the kitchen to help prepare breakfast, as breakfast would always be set on the table strictly at 9 a.m.. Then chores would be done in between lunch and dinner- the mopping of the floors, picking through and cleaning of grains, and putting recently hand washed clothes on the clothing lines that were always a bit too high for my reach. These were not the most enjoyable
I have three siblings along with three nephews. I have a younger sister, older sister, and one older brother. My older sister is the one that had my nephews. We all lived under the same roof until I moved out for college. My mother was more like my father in the house because my father was away working for us, and even though my siblings are her children, it seems that they 're her siblings too. It felt that I was the parent of my nephews and little sister because of the way I had to care for them because everyone else was working. I connect with my immediate family firmly. We always look out for each other because we mean so much to one another. I
Additionally, building this strong brother-to-sister relationship of trust with my own sisters, leads my focus on the members of my family, who has influenced my character more fully than anyone else. My Dad especially is probably my greatest example of all times whose character and integrity really touched me in various ways I could ever imagine. I really admired the way he led our family with great wisdom and counsel which helped me in my hard and difficult times. I only got to spend nineteen years of my life time with him due to his passing away while I was on my mission.
When the word “family” is discussed, most people think of mothers, fathers, and other siblings. Some people think of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even cousins and more on the pedigree tree. Without family in people's lives, they would not be the same people that they grew up to be today and in the future. When people hear the word family they think about, the ones who will help them in any way they can whether it’s money, support, advice, or anything to help them succeed in life. Family will forever be the backbone of support.
Have you ever been influenced by some important person that helped you be the person that you are today? I have been. The people that have had influence on me are the most important humans beings, my family. But before I begin talking about my family, I want to describe to you the place that we spend most of the time together which also means something important to me and my family. This place is called the family room. This room is small but cozy. It is painted in white and has three windows decorated with beautiful curtains. By the windows you can appreciate a nice view of some beautiful trees and a nice pool. On the walls there are some family photos like the ones that show where my brothers and I were born, my graduation photo, some family members photos like my grandparents, and some paintings made by one of my brothers. Also inside this room there is a nice home theater that includes a nice stereo and TV, and a new compact computer. But this is not all, this room has some very comfortable furniture and I can say that they are comfortable because I use them to watch TV, a movie, or just sit and rest. Also the furniture is used by my brothers to sit and play nitendo, to study, or play with the computer. But from all this furniture there is one chair that is the most cozy chair that I have ever sat upon and that is my father's chair. So this is our room, which is very important to us and has a lot of special things, but the most special part of this room is when it brings my family together.
At no point in life can you be perfect at anything, but you can prepare yourself for the adventures of life. One of life’s biggest challenges is marriage. Marriage requires preparation emotionally and spiritually. Marriage is considered to be one of the hardest aspects of life to control. Merging two different customary lifestyles into one can be difficult especially since the feelings of both are involved. I have learned both the numerous ways to destroy and build a successful marriage. Marriage is the union of man and woman becoming as one flesh according to God’s law and the law of the land.
"Family is not an important thing. It's everything.” This remarkable quote by Michel J. Fox should be the definition of family. Family is everything, they are our motivation, the ones that will love us when others don’t, and are the ones who stick to each other as gum when times get tough. Families have the most robust connections alive. These ties are so solid, and deeply intact that they can do everything and anything. These links allow a family to influence, shape, impact, and change one’s life. The intimacy within the family sphere, shape all who are inside it, this cannot be changed, and well anything that comes from within the family cannot be changed. The family itself can control and change our views on society, influence how we view the family unit, and yet most of all impact our everyday choices. The family’s capacity of guidance can make such an abundant shift that can only be felt, and barely visible unless seen through strained eyes, that makes this connection even more inexplicable than love.
My brothers and sister are the best motivation to me. It is not every day that we get along but when we do then it is a good day. Every day they make me want do better, not only for myself but for my mom and them also. They encourage me to do better now so that my future is bright later on. Family is always the best to have on your team especially for their support because they genuinely mean it and you know that it is coming from their heart. I know I can count on all my brothers and sister to be there for me when no one else is because they are family. I hate that they are growing every day and getting older to experience the real life. I hope even later on they will all still support me and we will not drift apart like I know
I don’t know where I’d be without my family. We’ve been through thick, and thin. I’m very glad that I have them for moral support, and can depend on them for advice. They’ve taught me almost everything I know about life, whether it’d be household chores, manners, morals, cooking, etc. I’m pleased to have a very caring family that would do anything for me. I feel safe and secure with them. They provide me with the basic necessities such as food, water, and a roof over my head. I would consider all of the things they provide me with as luxuries, because not everyone has a comfortable place to reside in, or food to eat. If I didn’t have these basic necessities, then it would be another thing I would have to stress about in life. I like to joke around with them a lot, and it brings a smile to my face when I see their reaction. Having a loving, and supportive family is what makes me