My Definition Of Suffering

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Suffering is defined as “the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship”. Personally whenever I think of suffering I imagine losing a loved one, or going through something mentally or emotionally painful. As I have come to realize suffering is not only categorized by being something mental but it can also be physical. I would think that breaking a limb, or having a terrible sickness could be defined as suffering. I believe that individuals can suffer by watching others go through a hardship because of the hope and help they wish they could give, but are unable to. Suffering is generally used as a pretty bland term, or use it in incorrect ways to define pain. In reality, the word suffering should have more meaning and substance then it typically has nowadays. In life people will suffer for various things, love, pain, people, etc. We iften …show more content…

But it is rather a servant of evil, providing us with a lifelong struggle with pain, fear. In scripture it is witnessed that God does not enjoy our pain and hardships, but would have rathered preferred to provide us with love and sympathy. We know that God as we suffered was with us, guiding us through that trial. While God has not placed suffering upon us, he has endured it for many reasons. I think in general suffering is a method of God to show us how to efficiently love God as a whole. He can love us, and protect us from mistreatment but first, we need to get to a point in which we are put in a position to love God wholeheartedly because he is the one who cares the most. I am not saying that God uses suffering as ploy to get us to trust in him. I believe that God believes that suffering can be used to the best of our abilities, to grow as a person and grow in Christ. As Jesus and God are the same person, whatever God says directly is most likely what Jesus thinks

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