My Civic Responsibility

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“Freedom is not free” has always been a statement pounded into the minds of young children to remind them of the sacrifice of soldiers. Soldiers, although they do deserve a great amount thanks, are not the only people that keep America running. Each person within our country has civic responsibilities that must be done to keep the country steaming in a good direction. From voting to volunteering and from running for office to running a school, people must come together to make a great country. Although the people’s civic responsibilities are not written into the constitution, each person’s responsibility is import and citizens must learn what their particular responsibility should be. To begin, each and every civic responsibility is important. One …show more content…

When I first thought about my civic responsibility, I made a mental list of what my time, talent, and treasure were. Because of college weighing a heavy tax on my treasure, becoming a monetary supporter of the community was not my correct path. I also am not a “hands on person” and emotional interactions are not my strong suit either. I have talents that I can give. I can lead and organize groups to help the community. With this in mind, I used my presidency in the Clements Key Club to help both the people in the community we serve and our own members to become better citizens. After the work I have been doing at Clements has come to an end, I hope to continue helping the community throughout college. I want to join organizations like Key Club to volunteer my time, but I also want to use my talent to mentor high school programs. The best way to help people and grow the community is through children. I enjoy engineering and feel as though I can use it to help young students, intern helping the community. With my skills, I want to help support pre-engineering and other preparatory programs for high school

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