My American Hope

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America is known as the land of the brave, the home of the free. Those words still stand true, and always will. America is one of the strongest countries in the world. Our country has gone through war, slavery, and depression. These things can make the title of being one of the strongest countries in the world, hard to maintain. Although these struggles put a strain on our country, we have always came back even stronger. My hope is that we will always continue to become better as a nation and make for a brighter future. My hope for the future is that our country can come together to solve pressing issues and get rid of the inequality and get rid of the violence. Working together has always been a big part of success. When a country stops working …show more content…

World War I and World War II can be good examples in this lesson. Millions of lives were lost in this form of extreme and collective violence. War is not only a lesson we can learn from. We can learn from terrorism, shootings, and just everyday violence victims. Violence is never the answer and it always leads to sorrow and grievance. I hope my country can learn from these examples of violence and learn to be peaceful. I believe we can solve issues by coming to an agreement, becoming a better person, and by promoting respectful relationships with one another. In the future, I have high hopes for my country. I have confidence in the fact that we will continue to decrease the amount of violence in this country and advocate for peace. Peace is not hard to achieve if we all learn to work together and set good examples. These lessons we have learned from the history of America have only made us stronger as a country. Although some parts of our history are gloomy and regretful, they are necessary. Without these pieces of history we would have nothing to learn and grow from. I have very high hopes for the future of this country. I hope one day we can achieve a peaceful, equal, and nonviolence place. My country is the strongest country I know, and I am confident that we will only continue to get better and

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