Why Do People Come To America Essay

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The United States of America is known as a country where power lies in democracy. Many people from around the world come to America because they want freedom to make their own choices rather than be told how to live their lives. In some countries there are dictatorships, where a single person rules the government and rules based off of their own personal agenda. In many ways the United States of America is viewed as the land of opportunity, however, some people also view this country as just the opposite. One thing that people always say when coming to the United States is that the people here have a very freeing way of life. Citizens in this country are able to voice their opinion and vote in elections for important things, such as president, and are able to speak freely about their views. Another thing that is great about the United States is that a person is able to live their life and treated as equal, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual identity, economic status, ect. When people visit or move to the United States from another country, one often expects that they will be able to be who they want to be with no harsh judgments from others. One great thing about this country is that there are so many different types of people and cultures that are blended together that people have become much more understanding of the things they are not familiar with. The way of life in …show more content…

The system of the Electoral College is how the presidential candidates receive votes for each state. The candidate that is elected is not necessarily the person who received the most votes from the people of the country, but the person who receives the majority of the Electoral College votes. This can make the United States seem as though it is controlled by a dictatorship because the government is controlling the people through

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