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Ergonomics Reflection Paper
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Currently it is commonly accepted among industries that musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) affect employees regardless of the occupation as well as cost that these injuries impose on the employer and the populace as a whole. Nevertheless, in the manufacturing business it is mostly common for individuals to perform manual materials handling (MMH) task that are believed to factor in on some of the most pricy job-related injuries to date, such as those attributed to the back. And although through the advancement of technology with the aid of robotics and the use of other equipment the need for MMH has been decreased, but certain jobs still require the need for humans to perform those kinds of tasks and this is more apparent in smaller manufacturing businesses or warehouses that cannot afford these advancements. With MSDs contributing to a large percentage of MMH injuries, with over 387,000 or 33 percent of all work related injury cases in 2011, far exceeding all other work related injuries (Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 2011). Maybe this is due to the well-known fact that MSDs are connected with jobs and tasks comprising of repetitive motions and exertion, together with such identifiable risk factors as awkward postures, use of force, and lack of recuperation before restarting the same task. Nonetheless, the best means of prevention is through the improvement of working conditions and the implementation of an ergonomics program. However, one of the principal challenges that face managers and supervisors today is the systematic approach to conduct an ergonomics evaluation and to use ergonomics consistently through a proactive approach with the aim at reducing MSDs either by engineering or administrative imp...
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...ted altogether, but by applying ergonomic concepts by administratively or engineering out the hazards, the risks involved can be drastically reduced. Additionally, reduced costs to employers through workers compensation claims and less time away from work occurs when redesigning the workplace or task itself thus increasing worker satisfaction and decreasing employee injuries. But regardless without a proactive approach from management and employees looking for ways to reduce ergonomic stressors in the work place either by following guidance through administrative controls or failing to use the materials handling equipment provided by the employer, the ergonomics program will fail. And to reduce those pricy back injuries, a comprehensive look at the work practices and employees is required to incorporate the ever changing technology to create safer work environments.
McGuire, C. (2011, April). Workplace Safety 100 Years Ago. Safety Compliance Letter(2524), 1-6. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=60166397&site=ehost-live&scope=site
This case involved a 53 year old man who sustained a significant tear of his rotator cuff while playing baseball. He underwent surgical repair and was given a referral for physical therapy. The referral was to begin passive ROM 3 times per week for 2 weeks then initiate a supervised home program of active exercise for 2 weeks, and elastic resistance exercises for internal and external rotation every other day for a month. 2 weeks after surgery, he had his first PT visit in a sports medicine clinic that was managed by an athletic trainer (ATC).”
The musculoskeletal system offers support and stability for your body so we can properly function and move around. Different types of muscle within the muscular system include cardiac, skeletal, and smooth. The reason our bodies are capable of producing movement is because of the way our muscles contract. Our adult skeletal structure is made up of 206 bones that all differ in shapes and sizes. The composing parts that make up the system include the bones, joints, and muscles that all connect so we’re capable of moving. These components allow for our bodies to maintain a stable structure that can keep us upright. The axial skeleton refers to the skull, the vertebral column which supports the spinal cord, ribs, and sternum. It offers protections
...signed job, supported by a well-designed workplace and proper tools, allows the worker to avoid unnecessary motion of the neck, shoulders and upper limbs. Meaning the actual performance of the tasks depends on individuals. Make sure to always observe the workplace. If it looks like it’s an unfit workplace and you can easily get injured. Walk away. There is nothing better than to make sure that your job and health are okay when it comes to the workplace. Great ergonomics means great Workplace.
STEIN, F., SODERBACK, I., CUTLER, S., LARSON, B., 2006. Occupational therapy and ergonomics. Applying ergonomic principals to everyday occupation in the home and at work. London: Whurr Publishers.
The Regulations set out a framework to help employers avoid or reduce the risk of injury resulting from manual handling activities. The basic principle is that where manual handling of loads, which involves a risk of injury (particularly to the back) is present, the employer must take measures to avoid or reduce the need for such manual handling.
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease” by Thomas A. Edison. Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments on the spine which will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication. Chiropractic care began in 1895 when its founder, Daniel David Palmer, claimed any and all diseases could be healed by nothing more than just his hands. Dr. Palmer examined a janitor who was deaf for 17 years after the janitor felt his back was out of place, so Dr. Palmer gave an adjustment to what was felt to be a misplaced vertebra in the upper back. The janitor then observed that his hearing improved thanks to Dr. Palmer. Chiropractors use manipulation to restore mobility to joints restricted by tissue injury caused by sitting without proper back support. Chiropractic is primarily used as a pain relief alternative for muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue, such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. About 22 million Americans visit chiropractors annually
The leading cause of injury to nursing and hospital staff is the repeated manual lifting, and lifting and transferring of patients. This increasing incident rates cost to healthcare organizations. “Safe Patient Handling” programs have become one of the top initiatives for healthcare organizations. With the help of this program, work-related injuries and injuries due to patient falls can be reduced. Hill-Rom’s high technologies, processes, and tools assist hospitals to enhance outcomes for patients.
2011 Weigel and Armijos 2011). “Little empirical data are available examining the injury experience of hired crop workers in the United States (US).”(Wang, Myers et al. 2011) Work-related injury data from a national survey collected through the National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) in the years 1999, 2002, 2003, and 2004 on 13,604 crop farm workers revealed that the bulk of injuries occurred to male (84%) and Mexican born (72%) workers. “The use of hand tools, falls, and lifting overexertion injuries were identified as significant causes of injury among hired crop workers. Increased injury risk was also seen for crop workers with existing health or musculoskeletal complaints....
Proper ergonomic conditions prevent injuries to workers and allow them to work efficiently. Ergonomics reduces costs. Workers that do not have a good ergonomic workspace can suffer from pain and uncomfortable posture which is dealt with money spent on treatment. In Canada $800 000 000 per year goes to ergonomic related injuries. Appropriate ergonomic workspaces create an anti-injury space for workers. Ergonomics also increases worker’s productivity by designing a work place with good posture, good heights, fewer motions, and less exertion. Thus making the workspace more efficient for the worker. Ergonomics also
Approximately one-third of cases average 8-23 days of time away from work and one-third are results of musculoskeletal disorders” (Deirdre Daley, 2013). As of the publication of this article the number, duration and cost of work-related musculoskeletal problems illustrated the need for Physical Therapist in an occupational/industrial healthcare setting. The skill set of Physical Therapist is ideal for improving efforts related to implementation and facilitation of wellness and prevention programs, restoring functional performance and incorporating return to work plans. Physical Therapist also have the skill set to evaluate workers, improve stay at work and return to work outcomes as well as work toward educating workers on importance of maintaining health, especially in the area of chronic illness such as diabetes and cardiovascular
According to the statement issued by the United States Department of Labor, work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a leading cause of pain, suffering,
What is ergonomics? Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the worker. When there is a mismatch between the physical requirements of the job and the physical capacity of the worker, work-related musculoskeletal disorders can result. Workers who must repeat the same motion throughout their workday, work in an awkward position use a great deal of force to perform, repeatedly lift heavy objects or face a combination of these risk factors are most likely to develop work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
Wisner, Alain. The Etienne Grandjean Memorial Lecture: Situated Cognition and Action-Implications for Ergonomics Work Analysis and Anthropotechnology. Ergonomics, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1995, Vol. 38, No.8, Pgs. 1542-1557.
In Today’s world, the composition and how work is done has massively changed and is still continuing to change. Work is now more complex, more team base, depends greatly on technological and social skills and lastly more mobile and does not depend on geography. Companies are also opting for ways to help their employees perform their duties effectively so that huge profits are realized in the long term .The changes in the workplaces include Reduction in the structure of the hierarchy ,breakdown in the organization boundaries , improved and better management tactics and perspectives and lastly better workplace condition and health to the employees. (Frank Ackerman, Neva R. Goodwin, Laurie Dougherty, Kevin Gallagher, 2001)