Murder Of Emmett Till Thesis

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“People could tell that they were under attack and that was symbolized by the death of Emmett Till,” as stated in the Murder of Emmett Till documentary. It was not only black people, like the young boy Emmett Till, but the many groups that struggled during the Civil Rights Movement. Many varieties of people were seen as lower than the overpowering whites during the 1950’s. It took years to stop segregation. Violence was spread throughout the country and many were killed in the fight for their rights. There was also peaceful boycotting and testimonies. The Civil Rights Movement affected whites and other minority groups, as well as colored people. The main society we see as affected is that of the colored people. “People didn’t do anything that white people wouldn’t like and if a …show more content…

This includes Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, women, and the disabled. The struggle of these people were not any less important than the struggle for blacks. “Through our scientific genius, we have made of this world a neighborhood; now, through our moral and spiritual development, we must make of it a brotherhood. In a real sense, we must all earn to live together as brother, or we will all perish as fools.” (The American Dream, Martin Luther King, Jr. paragraph 8). Dr. King is saying that we have united ourselves, it is time for us to connect ourselves and live together as a nation. Many minorities lived in America, but they were not considered citizens. Immigrants were prevented from being American citizens because of an act passed in 1882. Women did not have the same rights as men did. They could have been white Americans, but they were not treated the same. Native Americans have had the longest struggle for equal rights in history. Latinos fought a debate over immigration. Although these minority groups were not seen as struggling during the Civil Rights Movement, they had been fighting for equality,

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