Multimedia Critique : Planet Money makes a T-shirt

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Plant Money is a team of multimedia reporters within a news organization, NPR, covering stories about the global economy. The reporters collected $590,807 through Kickstarter to fund a project that documented the global process of the textile industry. In order to successfully create and publish this article online, 10 reporters traveled to different parts of the United States, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Columbia to gather information. Then, the news organization used different multimedia platforms such as videos, photos, text, and digital graphics to successfully create a news article that addressed the economic issues and technological advancements of the garment industry. This article attracts audiences who are interested in the scientific process of garment manufacture, as well as the people who are interested in learning about the economic developments around the world. It gives a sense of familiarity to readers in America by explaining that the Planet Money T-shirt cotton was grown and picked in Mississippi. Then, the reporters gradually move the readers along by explaining al...

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