Multicultural Britain

718 Words2 Pages

In every corner of Britain, whether it is in England, Scotland or Wales, there are many different cultures and ethnicities. And different cultures is not something new for Britain, because ever since they were invaded, first by the Romans, then by the Vikings, Britain has had a lot of influences from people from different backgrounds. Every one of these invaders has put their stamp on the Britain we know today. Romans influenced Britain by making roads and founding towns like London and York. Also the Vikings had an influence on Britain by as well as the Romans founding cities, such as Dublin and many cities in the former Danelaw (Derby, Grimsby etc.), which is now the northeastern part of England.
Furthermore Britain has invaded a lot of countries themselves. With colonies in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Oceania and both North and South America, the British empire was one of the greatest empire in time. People from all of these colonies immigrated to England, some of them by force (mostly African) and some came to Britain for the opportunities. In the 20th century a lot of people from the Caribbean, India, Pakistan and Hong Kong and many other places came to Britain with the dream of achieving a better life for themselves and their descendants.
That is why this essay will discuss which consequences, and prejudices there is in this diverse society Britain is today.
First of all there is a lot of debate going on about mixed-race relationships, and whether or not, especially the older generations, are tolerant to these relationships. In the 1980s British were not very tolerant to mixed relationships, when a survey showed that 50% of the British people were against such relationships. However this figure dropped, first in the 1990...

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... on the street and some will get killed. Lastly the children of the immigrants are more likely to need special help during their education and this will cost Britain a lot of money. Money they could have used on hospitals or roads.
To sum up Britain has been a multicultural place and they will probably remain so forever. The multiculturalism can be traced back to the invasions of Britain, and afterwards Britain’s status as the greatest empire of their time. This multiculturalism has made room for a lot of mixed-race relationships that firstly were frowned upon, but now they are accepted and cherished by many. Also the entire society has felt consequences from the multiculturalism both advantages such as new cultures expressing themselves through food, music and clothes and cheap labour, and disadvantages such as more racism, and higher unemployment among immigrants.

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