The Middle East – a region of One Thousand and One Nights, but also a place of the religion of Islam, which has spread into many European countries over the past few decades. The United Kingdom is one of the countries, where the religion of Islam plays a major role. According to the census in 2011, 4.8 per cent of people living in The UK reported to be Muslims and what is more, nearly half of them were born there. The largest increase of this religion was in the age groups under 25. These figures reveal, that the religion of Islam is the second most widespread religion in the United Kingdom, right next to Christianity. In addition, the number of Christians has fallen down. The question that everybody needs to answer is whether to be worried about it or not. And what did former Libyan leader Mu'ammar Al-Qaddafi say about the Muslim immigration to Europe?
“We have fifty million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims.”
Since the nineteenth century, the Islamic presence in Britain has expanded. Muslims were considered to be a cheap labour and this was profitable for Britain especially after World War II, when Britain needed to rebuild the economy. The majority of Muslims who came to Britain were Pakistani and even now the majority of Muslims who live in the United Kingdom are the Pakistani origin.
In the United Kingdom, there are over one thousand mosques, prayer rooms and community cen...
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...b Emirates and Yemen are Islamic and all of them punish converting from Islam with a death penalty. Therefore, citizens of Maldives have to be Muslims and any other religion is punished by a death penalty.
What would happen if Sharia courts in Britain were approved as an equivalent of Courts of the United Kingdom and gained power? Would such an extremism be possible even in Europe?
To sum up, the statistics speak for themselves and the Britain’s fear of becoming an Islamic state is definitely not far-fetched. There is no doubt that the number of the Muslims in The United Kingdom has increased at an alarming rate over the past few decades. There are some issues, which should not be ignored and should not be disregarded, for instance the Britain’s Sharia Courts. It is up to everybody if the culture our children inherit stays more or less the same or if it changes.
In 610 CE, Muhammad, a merchant trader from Mecca (Mecca is also a site of a yearly pilgrimage where Muslims come to perform a rituals at the sacred Ka’ba a.k.a. the holy shrine of Mecca), made one of his frequent visits to a cave by Mount Hira. On his way to the cave, he decided to pray because of all the different causes that made him feel like he was losing his way. During this visit to Mount Hira, the Archangel Gabriel squeezed Muhammad hard forcing the words “Allah is one God” continuously coming out of his mouth. After having these words come out of his mouth for about two years, Muhammad decided that it was the time to encourage others to quote
After the fall of the Roman Empire, no one imagined that the next great world power would emerge from Saudi Arabia. Especially, because ancient empires thought that the land was worthless but they didn’t know that it had great trade routes. Trade brought them in connection with other civilizations and that’s how the city of Mecca, located in Saudi Arabia became known. The city of Mecca was a mix of religious beliefs, they used to worship many gods and had their own rituals. The world of Islam took place in Mecca where Muhammad was born in 570 CE. He became known as “the Prophet,” he was meant to be God’s final prophet. The main two groups of Islam are the Shia and Sunni; which they were created after Muhammad’s death. The Islam religion as and try being a non-Muslim in a Muslim country. The next generation that appears to look Muslim is becoming targets for discrimination and hate crimes. “It scares me that it only took a few radical Muslims to bring down two buildings and we’ve brought hundreds of thousands of them here to the United States, “ an American says (Somali). While many Muslims are making America their new home, it’s all up to them on how to give Muslims a new reputation.
?In the 8th century, the first Turkish-speaking tribes migrated westward from central Asia and began converting to Islam.? They became Sunni Muslims, who follow the most orthodox form of Islam.? Islam appealed to these nomads because it was a simple faith with straightforward requirements.? Many were so passionate about the faith that they became ghazis, ?warriors for the faith.?? Fighting the Byzantines, they began to conquer the lands of Anatolia in the name of Islam.? The Ottomans, one of the Turkish clans, became the dominant leaders of this new land and united the scattered Turkish tribes.? By the 12th century, a new wave of Turkish immigrants who followe...
The Past and Present Treatment of Ethnic Minorities in Britain For this assigment I will be looking at the past and present
Education was also one of the reasons why Muslims decided to come to the United States. The universities, economic status, and political freedom that America has to offer attracted more than half a million foreign students. By 1965, there were about 150,000 Muslims living in the United States. Many of them did come to America for a better life, yet they did keep their religious practices with them. Of course, there were some immigrants who chose not to practice their religious beliefs since America does offer the freedom of religion.
The town of Mecca was the birthplace of Islam, at first the leaders of the city refused the changing of this new religion and forced Muhammad to leave. Muhammad returned and preached to the people about what he had heard, that there is only one god. Islam spread quickly for two main reasons they are the message and military conquest.
... of talking to and working with each other, of talking and working with the non-Muslim world. We must go into the world in all of its dimensions, all of its every multiplying spaces and experiences and find within them a vehicle that would allow those ideas and values that we cherish to take root. There are no formulas here, no pre-mapped practices to specify how such experimentation at interchange should be conducted. Although steeped in a very particular "American history", much can be learned from the experiences of Black Americans and the generosity of spirit which has often characterized everyday relationships between Muslims and Christians. Whatever steps we as Muslims take, we should have sufficient faith in the power of our faith to know that we will persist through this and all things. We should know that it is within our capacity to bring America to Islam.
Yes I think it is hard to be a Muslim in a country like England for
Islam is a major world religion. Its origin can be traced back to 610 CE in Arabia. The basis of this religion is the revelations to the prophet Mohammad. Dissatisfied with his life, he traveled to deserts, hills, and the wilderness surrounding Mecca, where he lived, to meditate and reflect. He became a new man through his revelations, which many of his followers believe Allah transmitted to him through his angel Gabriel. Islam was originally an Arab religion, but many different beliefs and practices were added to it, making it extremely popular and aiding in its rapid spread. This new religion spread to many different areas surrounding Arabia, both under Mohammad and after his death. The Muslim Empire grew to encompass Spain and the Eastern Roman Empire as well Persia and Africa. Many different practices and methods were used to spread Islam. The religion itself was appealing to, in addition to the inhabitants of Arabia, other people in the surrounding areas because of its distinct religious beliefs and practices, such as the five pillars, as well as the humility and prayerfulness of the Islamic people. They fought cruel, vicious wars with their enemies. Many different things motivated the warriors to expand, but above all, the riches they would gain from the people of the Fertile Crescent encouraged them to expand.
The world you once knew is falling to ashes and food is become such a scarcity that people are fighting over a few pieces of bread. The political class is too busy fighting among themselves to care for anyone else. Children are roaming the streets and begging for work to feed their dying, hungry stomachs. This is not a scene from a horror movie, but rather the reality of the beginning of post classical era. In these times of hardship the people turned to a higher power, which resulted in a religious boom. The main religion during the post classical era that had the greatest impact on people was Islam due to Muhammad, trade routes, the Black Plague, conquests and Islamic culture.
Muhammad was a revolutionary man. His message was that all must return to the worshipping of only One True God, Allah. Muhammad was a leader, who persuaded, legislated and fought for the purpose of religious reformation upon many nations. His other utterances and activities complemented and often shed light on obscure versus. Both the Qur'an and his sayings (hadiths) entered history as textual inspirations in renewed contexts and novel circumstances, whereby worldly and scholarly historicity never ceased to throw up innovative interpretations. (Coueiri,1990) This essay will focus on Muhammad and how he came to revolutionize Islam. I will discuss the tremendous impact he had on his people by writing about the methods of his revolution and the positive intentions he had from the start. In addition, I will place an emphasis on how Muhammad influenced the population and swayed his adversaries. Overall, by examining Muhammad's methods in achieving the faith of his followers, we may conc...
Islam today is a prominent religion, with over 600 million followers, delcared and established by it's prophet Muhamad. It is not only a religion, but an entire way of life, which accounts all aspects. Sharia literally translates to, “the path to the water hole,” meaning that muslims have to follow this path to appease Allah and have a virtuous life. It is not prominent in all Islamic countries, but in others it dominates and rules government and society, from daily routine to weighing heavily in personal status law and in criminal law. The female population receives the harsher conditions of Sharia, versus men who utilize it for empowerment. Some elements of Sharia are similar to the common practices of other popular religions such as Christianity or Judaism, in terms of austerity, though other methods employed by fundamentalist Muslims, have cultivated bad judgement from outsiders, and apprehension towards the religion.
While widely accepted, this idea continues to remain un-true. Humanitarian and ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) council member Omar Alnatour discusses this in a Huffington Post article titled “Muslims Are Not Terrorists: A Factual Look at Terrorism and Islam”. Alnatour gives five examples of how Muslims are not terrorists. “1. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the United States:” from 1980 to 2005, only six percent of all terror attacks committed in the United States have been by Muslims. This shows that it is nine times more likely that a terror attack would be committed by a non-Muslim. “2. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in Europe:” of the 1000+ terror attacks that have happened in Europe since 2011, only 2% were done by Muslims. “3. Even if all terrorist attacks were carried out by Muslims, you still could not associate terrorism with Islam:” going back from 1970 to present day, there have been around 140,000 terrorists worldwide. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims, that number would only represent 0.00009 percent of them. “4. If all Muslims are terrorists, then all Muslims are peacemakers:” Out of the past 12 Nobel Peace Prize winners 5 have been Muslim (42 percent). Because some can claim all Muslims are terrorists due to a small percentage of attackers happening to be, one can also make the argument that all Muslims
Muslim civilization played a significant role in the history of the world and continues to have quiet an influence on the modern world . Today, there are over 1 billion Muslims all over the world: more than 40 countries are members of the organization of the Islamic Conference. There are many Muslim diasporas in Europe, around 15 million people , and around 6 million people in the United States. Unlike other modern civilizations, Islam is not directly linked to any region, but covers almost the entire modern world. Where people belong to different cultures, races, traditions and languages. And despite the fact that it is difficult to speak of a common historical destiny of the Muslims, Islam still acts as a unity in diversity.