Ms Clark Monologue

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Behind the photograph Spring morning always had a smell of freshness from the bionts that made me felt exhilarated. I saw many students who wore the same uniforms as me on the streets: laughing and chatting with their friends, but there were few who didn’t, those girls looked glum and languid, one of them had a big headphone on her ears which reminded me the girl I saw yesterday- Alice Bradley. ** It was a inclement night and i could hear the howling of the wind outside my window. The earrings my sister had given to me were gone so i went to her dresser searched for others while a black leather album appeared in my sight. The front cover was my sister’s handwriting ‘Music Class 2008'. I was driven by curiosity and immediately forgot about …show more content…

However, there are other people think Ms Clark is the reason why she chose to suicide, as a protest.” “Ms Clark?!” “Yes, there was a girl who claimed that she saw Ms Clark and Alice fighting the night before she died, and it’s because of Ms Clark had stolen Alice’s money and refused to return it, the money Alice was going to spend on her entry ticket to the competition.” “Why didn't Ms Clark get expelled yet?” “Because there wasn’t enough evidence to support that, the police couldn’t arrest her based on rumors!” I was about to ask more questions until I saw Ms Clark was looking at my direction. Her eyes were keen like eagle and after what Emily had told me, I was afraid of making any contacts with her. **** There wasn’t weekend for the accommodation students like me, we could only went home at the end of the month. I never felt so good to be home even nobody was there to welcomed me, the first thing I did was take a hot bath, I fetched the towel from my sister’s balcony when I saw a gold trophy on her shelf. I stepped closer and glanced around it : the trophy was being preserved vigilantly by the owner from its shiny luster. There was carve characters at the base which says “ Sarah Carter 1st place, State piano competition,

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