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I am the wife of an innocent dead man. I raised three without a father. People see us as less. We are the Robinson, and me I’m Helen Robinson. Living in the deep south in the 1930’s wineries. The Depression affected most everyone in Maycomb except for us. All of the blacks in the county live in one area outside of the landfill. I lived on the edge of farm which grows acres of cotton every year. We were a poor family that sharecropped. There weren't many people in Maycomb who treated us kindly except for Mr. Link Deas and the Finches. One year the white trash family accused my Tom for a serious crime that he never did. For months we never saw him due to the polices never let blacks and women in. The Finches and neighbours came and helped during …show more content…
Tom said that no matter what happens he would always be with us. Later that night everyone returned home. Rev. Sykes was the first to my house with the results. “ I’m sorry Helen, but the jury found him guilty. He closed his case when he said he felt sorry for Mayella.” At that moment something happened. I felt scared but relieved. Of course I endured deject that the jury found Tom guilty, but now we don’t have to handle the stress about the trial anymore. I thanked the Reverend and started up the stairs to bed. “Helen,” he said “ wait to tell the children.” I did as he said and didn’t tell my children till the next week. I sat all of them down and told them that their father wasn’t coming home for a while. Sam ran outside and into the woods and didn’t come back till supper.He went straight to bed without any food. For the next couple of weeks many of the neighbors came over. Mr.Link Dease offered me a job . One dreadful night Mr.Atticus Finch came over to the house. He told us the guards shot Tom to death. “ He lost all hope. Made a run for it, but the guards shot him before he could get away.” I don’t know what happened right then, but what I do know is that I will never see Tom again. Mr. Ewell came by after Atticus left and said he wasn’t sorry. The next morning a cloud of confusion and dismal co the whole
Today in Maycomb County, there was a trail against a local African American man named “Tom Robinson.” He was accused for raping and beating up a white girl named “Mayella.” His lawyer is “Atticus Finch” is facing off against “Mr. Gilmer” the district attorney. Judge Taylor, appears to be sleeping through out the trial, yet pays attention and tends to chew his cigar. The supposed crime occurred in Mayella’s home, when Tom Robinson went to fix something and then he raped her.
Tom is a nice young man who needs to go to court for being accused of raping a young girl named Mayella, although he did not go threw it alone. He had his lawyer Atticus Finch. Atticus is a single father of two. He believes that no matter who he is defending, if that person is innocent, he deserves justice and he will try his best so justice will be served.
First, Tom, formally known as Thomas Robinson was a black man who worked for a man named Link Deas. Tom was 25 years old, had three children and a wife named Helen. When he was 11 years old Tom’s left arm was caught in a cotton gin and he lost feeling in his left arm. Tom was accused of rape by a white woman named Mayella. Everyone hated him because it didn’t look good for a black man to be accused of raping a white woman. During his trial he had a white lawyer named Atticus, who did his best to prove that Tom was innocent and Mayella and her dad Bob Ewell were lying. Atticus says,”Did you resist her advances?, Mr.Finch, I tried to ‘thout bein ugly to her. I didn’t wanta push her or nothin.” stated Tom(Lee 195). Tom did not want to kiss her but he didn’t
Throughout the whole book, Atticus’ proves time and time again his remarkable courage, particularly during the time of Tom Robinson’s trial. No matter what challenges he faces, he always demonstrates bravery and valor while standing up for the truth. When he took up the task of defending Tom over the alleged rape of Mayella Ewell, he knew he was walking into a dangerous situation supporting a black man in a courtroom in Alabama, and yet he boldly chose to affirm what he believed was right and to argue against Tom’s accusers. Even when “Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him” (248) after the trial, he handled the situation calmly and fearlessly by ignoring him and continuing on his way. Because of this remarkable quality in Atticus’ life, the people of Maycomb love and admire him.
In addition to being a lawyer, Atticus enjoys being a father to Jem and Scout. When Jem and Scout found out that their father would be defending a black person, they knew immediately that there would be much controversy, humiliation from the people of Maycomb and great difficulty keeping Tom alive for the trial. It was not long when Atticus had to leave the house very late to go to jail, where Tom was kept because many white people wanted to kill him. Worrying about their father, Jem and Scout sneak out of the house to find him. A self-appointed lynch mob has gathered on the jail to take justice into their own hands. Scout decides to talk to Walter Cunningham, one of the members of the mob. She talks about how her father Atticus thought that "entailments are bad "(154 ) " and that his boy Walter is a real nice boy and tell him I said hey"(154). Upon hearing this, the mob realized that Atticus cannot be all bad if he has such a nice daughter as Scout. Atticus, with some unexpected help from his children, faces down the mob and cause them to break up the potential lynching of the man behind bars. Having gone to a black church earlier, the children found out that Tom is actually a kind person, church-going and a good husband and father to his children.
"The only thing we've got is a black man's word against the Ewells'. The evidence boils down to you-did-I-didn't. The jury couldn't possibly be expected to take Tom Robinson's word against the Ewells,'" Atticus solemnly explains this to his brother. First of all, Atticus demonstrates courage when he undertakes the task of defending Tom Robinson, a black man wrongly accused of rape. Atticus knows he won't win the case and like Mrs. Dubose in her battle against morphine, he is "licked" before he begins. Nevertheless, Atticus knows that Tom is innocent and that he must fight for him, since no one else will. Atticus's strong sense of morality and justice motivates him to defend Tom with vigor and determination, giving it all he's got with one mission in mind. He wants the people of Maycomb town, whether they believe it or not, to hear the truth about Tom, "That boy might go to the chair, but he's not going till the truth's told"
Even when he knows he will lose, he still continues to practice what he believes is right. When assigned to a case in which he would have to defend Tom Robinson, Atticus accepted the case saying “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win”. Given Tom Robinson’s background of being an African American, being convicted of rape, and the fact that he lived the South, there would be no chance for him to not be guilty. However, Atticus still puts effort into the case even though it is futile. He feels that if he did not try to win, he would go against his own morals which would give him no right in lecturing his own children. By taking on the case and staying loyal to his ethics, Atticus would teach his children to stay true to their words. Unlike many lawyers who get a similar case, Atticus goes above and beyond for his client. After Atticus and his family drove away the lynching mob from Tom, Atticus assures him saying, ”get some sleep, Tom. They won’t bother you anymore”. Atticus goes as far as to protect his client from getting killed which sets a good example for his kids. Through surpassing his obligation to Tom, he teaches his children to put in their best effort towards everything. Atticus also takes any form of payment available for his services. When Mr.Cunningham told Atticus that he didn't know if he could ever pay him back for work
Atticus Finch is a brave person because no matter what people say to him he will do what he feels and knows is right. After Tom Robinson, the man Bob Ewell accused of raping his daughter Mayella, Is arrested and put into Macomb County Jail Atticus goes to the jail house to protect him from a mob. He doesn’t show how scared he is when his children barge into the middle of the mob, instead he keeps calm and sends them home. Luckily they refuse and Scout ends up stopping them just from talking to the “leader”. Later in time when Tom is found gui...
Having grown up in the home of a lawyer, Jem understands the ways of the courtroom and recognizes Atticus’ behavior in court. When Tom Robinson is put on trial for being accused of raping Mayella Ewell, Atticus is appointed his attorney. As questioning continues, Atticus blatantly proves it was impossible for Tom to even commit the crime. Jem says to Reverend Sykes, "...don't fret, we've won it....Don't see how any jury could convict on what we heard" (Lee 279). Jem’s response to Reverend Sykes comment
My name is Tom Robinson. I lived on the outskirts of Maycomb Country with my wife, Helen, and kids. I worked on Mr. Link Deas's farm as a work hand. He hired me even though I'm a Negro and have a crippled arm; he's a very nice man. Every day on the way to work, I would pass the Ewell's home. They're a white family that lived by the dump. Sometimes I would pass by and help their oldest girl, Mayella, with some of their yard work. None of her younger brothers or sisters seem to help, so I liked to help her. I just thought it was the right thing for me to do, besides, I felt sorry for her. One day, Mayella says that she has something for me to do inside the house. None of the kids were around though, and I got kind of worried. When Mayella shut the door behind me and started kissing me, I knew I was in trouble. I started to push her away when her daddy, Bob, saw us through the window. I knew I was in trouble then, even though none of it was my fault, I was still black and it would be my fault if anyone caught me. When he opened the door, I just started to run. I don't know if Mayella was beaten by her father, but all I knew was I had to run. I ran all the way home, as fast as lighting. I told Helen about everything and she said it would all be okay. But Mr. Ewell had already called Mr. Heck Tate, the sheriff, and said that I had that I had raped and beaten Mayella. I knew that I could be killed on this charge, and I got really nervous. I wondered why everyone believed Mr. Ewell's lies. I couldn't have beaten up Mayella, I only have one good arm! The other one was torn up in a cotton gin when I was a little boy. But when they assigned Atticus Finch to be my lawyer for a trial, I put my soul to rest. Mr. Finch would take care of me no matter what he said. People in town were upset though. They said Mr.
Tom Robinson’s trial, and in fact his entire life, was badly affected by racism. It is truly a testament to the corruption of society when a person who has earned a bad reputation is held in higher esteem than a person who was born with it, as is the case with Bob Ewell and Tom Robinson. Even though Tom was obviously honest in his testament, the jury sided with Bob Ewell because he was white. They made this decision despite the fact that the Ewell family was widely known to be a worthless part of society. Jem, not being racially prejudiced, could not understand this mentality. As Atticus pointed out, “If you (Jem) had been on the jury, son, and eleven other boys like you, Tom would be a free man.”
Atticus is a good man, a just man. He upholds his morals, and judges by his conscience. He is shaken but not moved by the town of Maycomb in their gossip and hypocritical ways. When offered Tom's case, Atticus knows he will take it on. He won't just stand there with no proper defense for Tom, but he will let the truth be known, and prove that Tom is innocent. "...that boy might go to the chair, but he's not going till the truth's told."
In addition, Tom Robinson is a black man who was accused of raping 19 year old Mayella Ewell. Atticus Finch bravely and courageously took on the case even though he got the idea that it would take a miracle to win. By taking on the Tom Robinson case, it proved that Atticus was not a follower which separated himself from the rest of the town. During the trial, Atticus says, “Our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal.” (Lee 274). Atticus is referring to his beliefs and how they are legitimate. He stands up for righteousness and justice rather than the majority. Additionally, Atticus believes that violence is not the appropriate answer. He wants his children to keep their fists down and heads up in every situation they encounter. In other words, the event with Mrs. Dubose was very meaningful. Mrs. Dubose is an old lady who lives two doors up the street from the Finch 's house. Atticus ' son, Jem destroyed Mrs. Dubose 's flowers because she had said disrespectful things about Atticus which brought out Jem 's anger. Even though Atticus was very upset, he does not believe violence is the appropriate
Even as the jury comes back, they do not look at Tom, that evidence alone tells the whole courtroom the verdict. Overall, the outcome was what everyone suspected would happen, but the solid effort of Atticus Finch will be remembered and gratified by every person in that balcony. After the commotion of court, Calpurnia finds baskets of various goods from people who are appreciative of what Atticus had done the night before. Although These people are not wealthy, but they felt it necessary to deliver gifts to the Finch’s doorstep thanking them with meat, bread and other assorted spoils for the family. Ever grateful, Atticus tries to maintain his appreciation but sheds a tear and says, “Tell them I’m very grateful...tell them they must never do this again. Times are too hard...” (Lee 286). That is, For Atticus a tremendous act of appreciation, and understands what it means to give even a small token of thanks, let alone a full chicken and other valuable goods. As a result of the guilty verdict, Atticus is meeting with the judge again to file an appeal. If he does not, Atticus feels as if he has failed Tom Robinson,
These injustices have begun long before Tom’s trial, but it is his trial which epitomizes the problems with our society. The first witness was simply just a misguided fellow named Heck Tate who it seems didn’t have much to offer to the case. Next, Atticus Finch called Bob Ewell to the stand. When I saw Ewell take the stand such a fierce hatred rose within me that I began to shake and tremble. Ewell wrongfully accused Tom of raping his daughter Mayella, however, with the grace of God, Atticus Finch had shown that it was very possible that it was Bob Ewell who because he was a lefty could have beat Mayella. If it were not for great men like Atticus Finch I would have lost all hope for this world. As I watched Mayella take the stand I wondered how such a kind looking person could be someone of such poor character. Her words seemed to paint a picture of a sad life; one where a father neglects her and she has fallen under hard times. Atticus, after pointing out it was probably Bob who beat her, asked Mayella who it really was that beat her. Mayella made it clear it was Tom Robinson, upon which Atticus asked Tom to stand. To the astonishment of the court Tom was handicapped! Tom was then called to the stand where he laid open for all to see the truth, explaining that it was Mayella who came on to him (that treacherous woman!). Soon enough the trial ended and every one awaited the verdict of the jury. The next few hours were the most nerve wracking of my life.