Helen Robinson Monologue

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I am the wife of an innocent dead man. I raised three without a father. People see us as less. We are the Robinson, and me I’m Helen Robinson. Living in the deep south in the 1930’s wineries. The Depression affected most everyone in Maycomb except for us. All of the blacks in the county live in one area outside of the landfill. I lived on the edge of farm which grows acres of cotton every year. We were a poor family that sharecropped. There weren't many people in Maycomb who treated us kindly except for Mr. Link Deas and the Finches. One year the white trash family accused my Tom for a serious crime that he never did. For months we never saw him due to the polices never let blacks and women in. The Finches and neighbours came and helped during …show more content…

Tom said that no matter what happens he would always be with us. Later that night everyone returned home. Rev. Sykes was the first to my house with the results. “ I’m sorry Helen, but the jury found him guilty. He closed his case when he said he felt sorry for Mayella.” At that moment something happened. I felt scared but relieved. Of course I endured deject that the jury found Tom guilty, but now we don’t have to handle the stress about the trial anymore. I thanked the Reverend and started up the stairs to bed. “Helen,” he said “ wait to tell the children.” I did as he said and didn’t tell my children till the next week. I sat all of them down and told them that their father wasn’t coming home for a while. Sam ran outside and into the woods and didn’t come back till supper.He went straight to bed without any food. For the next couple of weeks many of the neighbors came over. Mr.Link Dease offered me a job . One dreadful night Mr.Atticus Finch came over to the house. He told us the guards shot Tom to death. “ He lost all hope. Made a run for it, but the guards shot him before he could get away.” I don’t know what happened right then, but what I do know is that I will never see Tom again. Mr. Ewell came by after Atticus left and said he wasn’t sorry. The next morning a cloud of confusion and dismal co the whole

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