Mr. Tyler's Tragic Hero

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In the fifth (the last room for the grades) room in the school area on an artificial planet called Earth 2, a young boy named Tyler was sitting at his desk waiting for Mr. Dark to arrive. He was thinking about how they graduated over 100 years ago (before Earth was destroyed). Back then, students looked for a job or went to college after high school graduation. Now they had the Captain, Mr. Dark, choose their job at Graduation Day. Individual choice no longer existed. After 30 minutes, Mr. Dark arrives and announces the jobs. Mr. Dark had jet black hair, gray skin, and a prupal mouth. Tyler’s brother Jason got teacher, the job Jason wanted. Tyler was assigned to be a bathroom cleaner. This was the absolute worst job on Earth 2, the name of …show more content…

Dark was always unfair and forced others to do as he wanted. How did he get all of this power? He saved one hundred people on his personal spaceship when Earth was destroyed in 2118. Mr. Dark was rich on Earth 1 and now he holds the ultimate power on Earth 2. He enforced very unfair rules for everyone he had saved. First, he wanted everyone to work hard. So, anyone over 71 must be thrown off the spaceship. He believed that was the age you were no longer useful to others. Second, he required everyone over the age 12 to work for their keep. He wanted the maximum number of workers for his new world. The captain, Mr. Dark’s, final rule was that he himself gets to choose everyone’s job. This last rule gave him more power and he could reward or punish people for their actions when he assigned jobs. Tyler decided to use his talents with machines to try to change his job assignment. The job he really wanted was to be a repairman. Tyler also had a mission to save grandmother. Her seventy-first birthday was next month. Tyler was determined to invent a tool that would help him both change job assignments and save his grandmother. He wanted to save his grandmother because she was the wisest person who has ever lived on Earth 2. His grandmother said “the space dust used to make stares holds a magic power. If used correctly it can repair anything. I have a glass container in my volt on my dresser, that has this special

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