Mr. Jones

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Animals vs. Humans? A bad government can create trouble in their country and the Russian Revolution was started that way. This essay is consisting in the book of Animal Farm which the author is George Orwell. Mr. Jones and Nicholas ii shows similarities between them, such as how selfish they were, how they didn’t care about their animals´ health and how they were expelled of their own farms. All this similarities will show how cruel Mr. Jones (Nicholas ii) was for their animals. They suffered through all this time to look out for equality and freedom. The first similarity between Mr. Jones and Nicholas ii are that he is a man who didn’t care of his people/animal, their health and safety was nothing. “… He had fallen on evil days. He had become much disheartened after losing money in lawsuit and had taken to drinking...” (Orwell 17). This quote support that Mr. Jones (Nicholas ii) was out of money and feels upset he didn’t care how his animals were in healthy and he just focuses on drinking. “Nicholas II also faced mounting domestic problems. The Russian employee worked on average ...

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