Moving To Austin Texas Essay

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Austin, Texas is a growing city with several distinct neighborhoods. This variation of neighborhoods is one of the benefits of moving to Austin, Texas, as it allows you to find an area of the city with which you can perfectly blend yourself or you and your family in to, to make your move seamless and stress-free. Austin has residents from every kind of imaginable demographic, making it a very diverse city. The neighborhoods of Austin, Texas, however, parallel that and offer something for people from any kind of imaginable demographic. Some neighborhoods focus more on family, and some focus more on young adults and college students.

The main neighborhoods in Austin, Texas are South Congress, Central Austin neighborhoods (Tarrytown, Hyde Park, and Clarksville), South Austin neighborhoods (Shady Hollow, Circle C Ranch, and Travis Heights), Northwest Austin neighborhoods (Steiner Ranch and Great Hills), and the area around the campus of the University of Texas. When looking at the benefits of moving to Austin, Texas, the variety of neighborhoods is certainly appealing - no matter what your walk of life is, Austin's clear neighborhood distinctions help you find the area that will fit with your life the best, and will even offer you new discoveries during your time in Austin if you branch out from the neighborhood you choose to move to, yet another one of the great benefits of moving to Austin, Texas. …show more content…

Many people consider the University of Texas to be the very sustaining force of the city of Austin, and they would be correct. The University of Texas receives government funding and attracts students and employers from all around the world to it for the promise of a great education (or in the case of the latter, employees that have just received a great education). This neighborhood is best lived in if you appreciate a great party

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