Transitioning from High School to University: A Changing Trend

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Leaving High School and going to University or College is a major and scary change all while being exciting. Change is good, it is inevitable, as nothing stays the same forever. Either adapt to the change, or get left behind. Change may be feared but it cannot be stopped from coming. Within the last two decades young people are leaving home much later than they did years ago. In the age range of 18-34, 32.1% of people still live with their parents, while 31.6% live with their partners, 14% live alone, and 22% live with another family member, or somewhere like a college/university dorm room. There are many reasons and explanations as to why these people are still living in their parents house even after University. Some reasons include but …show more content…

From here the statistics can help explain any theories about the issue of adult children moving back home. An individual is constantly developing from the very moment of birth to the day of death. Throughout someone’s life, many things will happen whether it is good or bad. These events that happen can have a big impact on the individual’s behaviour. A developmental theorist approach would be to do things like ask questions, create sample groups, and set up interviews. Developmental theorists One reason for an adult child to return back home could be due to the fact that they could not find a job. A reason for this is because baby boomers refuse to retire and will not leave the job market leaving very little room for millennials to get a job. Which is a big issue, because once out of the teen years and into the mid twenties, parents will not be there to support as much anymore since an individual in the age range of late teens to mid twenties is expected to support themselves and if someone does not have a job to get a steady income, supporting themselves will be

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