In Search Of Fatima By Ghada Kahf Essay

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In Search of Fatima (2002) is a powerful story of family and belonging told from the perspective of the author, Ghada Karmi. Ghada is born near the beginning of the conflict in Palestine, which eventually forces her family to move to Syria and then to England. Even before the violence begins, Ghada’s childhood is not easy—due to her frequently absent mother, she often turns to her family’s servant, Fatima, for stability and guidance. As Ghada describes her, Fatima is, during her Palestine years, like a rock in her family’s life. The conflict, however, quickly turns their beloved home into an unrecognizable place, and for safety reasons, they must flee. They leave uncertain of whether they will ever see Palestine, their friends, and especially Khadra grows up in a conservative Muslim family—her parents, Wajdy and Ebtehaj, work at the Dawah Center, which teaches Islam, builds mosques, and helps “find solutions to the ways in which living in a kuffar land ma[k]e practicing Islam hard” (Kahf 14). Greatly influenced by her parents and her environment, from an early age Khadra expresses interest in Islam and “radical action.” For example, at one point in the novel, Khadra decides to “emulate the Prophet’s diet” by eating nothing but dates and water (153). A strong-willed girl, Khadra demonstrates throughout the entire novel her desire to develop her own identity as a female Muslim in In The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, for example, Kahf writes that, “Wajdy and Ebtehaj always viewed their stay in America as temporary […] But the return kept getting postponed” (Kahf 131). Throughout the story, something always gets in the way of Khadra’s family returning home, whether it is their children obtaining a college degree or the need to do more work at the Dawah Center. Similarly, in In Search of Fatima, Ghada explains that, “Neither of [their] parents wanted to integrate [them] into British society, even if they had been able to. [Their] father regarded [their] stay in England principally as a means of acquiring a good education” (Ghada 207). Consequently, the families, and the parents especially, feel isolated from society in their new homes. Especially in Ghada’s case, the reader observes how the children, who naturally become more integrated thanks to their education in the school system, begin to feel less close to their parents. Indeed, this characteristic of both Khadra and Ghada’s families demonstrates the unique situation in which many Muslim migrants find themselves. For some, their move is seen as temporary at the beginning, which provides no incentive to integrate. However, this ultimately makes their lives in the new country more difficult and

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