Mother Teresa Impact On Religion

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The topic that I chose is Mother Teresa and her impact on Christian Renewal. I chose this topic because Mother Teresa is such an important figure in modern Christianity especially to women. Throughout this course I noticed one major issue that Christianity seemed to face was unity. However, Mother Teresa seemed to unify not only the Christian population around the world, but people from all types of religions, cultures, and classes. Mother Teresa’s focus on serving the poor sheds light on our call to service as an extremely crucial part of our Christian faith. Being a part of the Holy Cross community has especially taught me the importance of works as a part of the Christian faith, which Mother Teresa stressed and was a living example …show more content…

Even as a child the only thing that she ever wanted in her life was to meet and understand the needs of others. For over 45 years she was devoted to helping the poorest people of India. Her example was followed by hundreds of women, who devoted their lives, becoming a part of the Missionaries of Charity. This congregation founded by Mother Teresa began with only 13 nuns, but now the Missionaries of Charity is present in over 130 countries around the world, reminding people the meaning of love. She always said, “It doesn’t matter what we do, the only thing that matters is how much love we put into it.” In 1979 Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize. After passing away in 1997, she was beatified in late 2003 and canonized a saint on September 4, …show more content…

I believe that Mother Teresa of Calcutta has shone the warm light of God's love and compassion on the entire world. Mother Teresa highlights the importance of Jesus’ call by stating, "Come, be my light … Bring me into the dark holes of the poor. Come, carry me, I cannot go alone." Throughout her life on earth, and even now in her life as a saint in the Kingdom of God, she stands as a beacon of light for all reflecting the love of God to all those who seek him. In the darkest parts of the world, and even the parts of the world that appear to be light and loved, those who seek signs of his nearness and care in the darkness of human suffering and sin, can find His message through her and her

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