Mosaic In Canada

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Canada presents its self to the world as a multicultural nation that is accepting of all, the official term for this is a mosaic. A mosaic is a design made up of individual and unique pieces that come together to create a larger image. In regards to Canada, this means each person is a unique piece of Canada that plays a role in the larger picture and allows them to keep their individuality, culture and ethnicity. The idea of the mosaic is a unique portrayal in North America. The United States uses the image of the melting pot, this idea means that new Americans are supposed to mix and merge into American culture. The Canadian mosaic seems much more welcoming than a melting pot and is likely alluring to immigrants who do not necessarily want to leave their country, but may need to for a variety of reasons including dangers of war or seeking more opportunity.
This projected Canadian image is not necessarily the practice in Canada. Multiculturalism does not necessarily equal equality and acceptance of other ethnicities and races on an individual level as well as on a government level. On the 18th of October 2017 Quebec passed the provincial Bill 62, known as ‘religious neutrality’ legislation. The main change that this law will introduce is that individuals must uncover …show more content…

Bill 62 is an example of racist legislation within Canada that contradicts Canada’s mosaic image. This will be explained by exploring “othering”, racism, as well intersectionality in regards to the effects this bill will have and the historical expectations of immigrants in Canada. The books Identity and Belonging: Rethinking Race and Ethnicity in Canadian Society edited by Sean P. Heir and B. Singh Bolaria and “Race” and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction by Vic Satzewich and Nikolaos Liodakis will be used to explore and better understand “othering”, racism and

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