Morocco Essay

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Every country around the world has its own philosophy and evolution. Morocco, a country located in North West Africa, broadly exposed on the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and the Mediterranean Sea from the north. The Strait of Gibraltar, which unites the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, splits Morocco from Spain by eight miles. Morocco is the foundation of numerous cultures and is prominent by its biodiversity. The languages spoken vary from Arabic, French, Berber, Spanish and English. Abundant plains lie beside Morocco 's coasts, and wooded mountains stretch through the middle of the country. Outside the mountains lies a sundried desert, the Sahara. Casablanca is the largest city and Rabat is Morocco 's capital. However, what is astonishing …show more content…

It has many home-grown fruits and vegetables which include: oranges, melons, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, potatoes, lemons, olives, figs, dates, and almonds. Positioned on the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, the country is bountiful in fish and seafood. There is not an ample amount of beef, so meals are usually consist of lamb or poultry. Present at every meal is the flat, round Moroccan bread and mint tea. Moroccans have three meals per day. First is breakfast which contains preserves, or a pancake like food known as baghrir, bread, olive oil, and butter. Next, lunch which is the largest meal of the day. Typically, it consists of couscous and tajine. Couscous is a coarsely ground pasta made from semolina, a type of wheat, which is served with a meat or vegetable stew poured over it. Tajine is a slow cooked stew leaving tender meats with aromatic vegetables and sauce. Finally, dinner varies from light to heavy meals, with soup, known as harira, and bread. Moroccans love tea and coffee. However, with their coffee they will need a lot of milk and sugar. Sweets are very important in the Moroccan diet. Every household has homemade sweet desserts made from almonds, honey, and other ingredients. Hence, since some Moroccans are Muslim, they are forbidden from eating pork or drinking alcoholic beverages. However, alcohol is served in bars and cafes throughout the country. Moroccans etiquette is taken very seriously. You are only allowed to eat with your right hand, using the thumb and first two fingers. The left hand is used for picking up bread or passing dishes on to other people. Do not help yourself to bread, wait until it is given to you and use the bread to wash up sauces and clean your plate. You cannot lick your fingers until the end of the meal, if they are dirty you can wipe them on the bread. Also, you are to clean your hands before every meal with rose or

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