Morality of Gun Control

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Morality of Gun Control

I realize you cannot legislate morality. I agree with that 100 percent. Yes, saying things like "Thou shall be moral" is foolish, but other things can be done. We have to get back to our roots and become more civil and moral. Throughout recent history our society has continually loosened its moral bonds until we have arrived at the 'everything goes' attitudes of today. This loosening simply has to be reversed. Let me say that this will be a difficult task, but our society MUST put common sense and civility forefront of today's efforts nationwide. It will be harder to fight then any war. We must have an awakening or things will continue to go downhill. Would you agree on that?

First of all, I do not have all the answers on this. We could start by looking at our past and seeing what worked when. I am not talking about slavery, segregation, etc etc. What I am talking about is how families "worked" and how people responded to each other, how neighbors responded to each other. We must explore the brotherhood that existed between friends. We must look back to look forward. I think common sense plays a big issue in this. In today's society there is this idea that we must be politically correct all the time. Remember (or hear) of a time when everything wasn't regulated, and was NOT tied up by the government's beaucracy, and forthere DID NOT destroy personal responsibility? All laws leave some people out. Without this over regulation, people were not excessively left out by 'red tape crafted divisions'. All of this ties into morality. I think people have become less responsible. Seeing the increased role of government in everyday life, too many parents have dedicated the government to educate their child. Less...

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... our society is. Banning them will not help. It may or may not affect crime rates, but, either or, things will continue to degrade if we continue to foolishly neglect the essence and base of our moral foundation. I believe our Founding Fathers had a pretty good idea of what was right and wrong. Many of their truths were expressed in our Constitution and Federalist Papers. Why was there very few, if any, mass-murderers back then? Why was there so few unmarried mothers and fathers? Why was their little public violence? Why was there so little general hatred? Why was there so little deceit? Why were there so few broken families? {all this with guns in every household} Why?....because society--the people and communities themselves--simply DID NOT tolerate immorality and its beginnings back then, and WE shouldn't now! Looking at our past is the way to light our future.

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