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Philosophy 391 flashcards on utilitarianism
Conclusion on the importance of code of ethics
Philosophy 391 flashcards on utilitarianism
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When running a business ethics plays an important role in the success of the business. “Ethics is the study of those values that relate to our moral conduct, including questions of good and evil, right and wrong, and moral responsibility” (pg. 2). Every individual will have a different set of moral codes. Moral codes are shaped by your personality, environment and religion. In this scenario and throughout this paper you will come to understand how our moral code of ethics plays a role in our daily decisions. In this scenario, Sam Trudeau the owner of a busy veterinary hospital is displaying the act utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism “argues that each person should act in a way that produces the greatest happiness for everyone” (pg. 4). This …show more content…
One of the strengths in the consequentialist approaches “claim that the morality of an action depends on its consequences” (pg. 3). By Sam justifying to keep the cash for personal use and no one was harmed nor did the consequences of not doing the paperwork correctly jeopardize the business in anyway. One of the weakness of in the consequentialist approaches “can easily be used to justify questionable actions (the end justifies the means)” (pg. 5). Sam justified keeping the money for personal use since completing the paperwork, he would just have to pay taxes on it anyways. Sam easily justified his actions due to the minimal consequences that could occur. I believe the effect on other personnel at the hospital upon an auditor discovering this situation, would have a negative ethical approach. The employees that once took their jobs very serious making the best ethical decisions, may now consider their responsibility on ethical egoism. Ethical egoism “argues that each person should act in their own self-interest” (pg. 4). The employees may view Sam’s actions as for his own self-interest making employees future unethical decisions justified. This mind frame and ethical approach could jeopardize the businesses future and
For a company to be successful ethically, it must go beyond the notion of simple legal compliance and adopt a values-based organizational culture. A corporate code of ethics can be a very valuable and integral part of a company’s culture but I believe that it is not strong enough to stand alone. Thought and care must go into constructing the code of ethics and the implementation of it. Companies need to infuse ethics and integrity throughout their corporate culture as well as into their definition of success. To be successfully ethical, companies must go beyond the notion of simple legal compliance and adopt a values-based organizational culture.
My initial response to the issues was only based on the hospital policies regarding the care of the patients within the hospital. However, when I was guided down the different paths and made to look through the different ethical lens, I found it tough to do so and seem to resort to my core values of autonomy and rationality. By putting the patients’ first, hospital policies, and then their loved ones in the first scenario, I determined that a compromise was necessary. Whereas in the second scenario, I feel as no agreement was needed just staff education (EthicsGame Simulation, 2016). In this particular case, Carlotta, the RN shift supervisor, needed further training to understand the hospital policy on who is or is not considered to be family (EthicsGame Simulation,
Ethics or rather morals entail mechanisms that defend, systematize as well as recommend conceptions of right or wrong. Many organizations develop ethical codes to ensure employees and employers understand the difference in doing good or bad. In that respect, ethics are an essential aspect of successfully running of any organization or government. Ethics ensure employee’s productivity levels are up to the required standards. It also assists them to know their rights and responsibilities. Additionally, employers, as well as any persons in management, are guided by them to ensure they provide transparent leadership. Ethics also defines how customers should be handled. Ethical codes govern the relationship between customers and an
Explain the connection between the economic model of corporate social responsibility and “free market” or “neoclassical” economic theory.
Ethics in business is a highly important concept, as it can affect a company’s profits, salaries paid to employees and CEOs, and public opinion, among many other aspects of a business. Ethics can be enforced by company policies and guidelines, set a precedent when a company is faced with an important decision, and are also evolving thanks to new technology and situations that arise due to technology usage. Businesses have a duty to maintain their ethical responsibilities and also to help their employees enforce these responsibilities in and out of the workplace. However, ethics and the foundation for them are not always black and white. There are many different ethical theories, however Utilitarianism, Kant’s Deontological ethics, and Virtue ethics are three of the most well known theories in existence. Each theory is distinct in that it has a different quality used to determine ethicality and allows for a person to choose which system of ethics works best with both the situation and his or her personal ethical preferences.
...ocedures. The section deals with how to comply with the procedures in the code of Ethics. They have included steps that should be taken if there has been any violation of the code of ethics witnessed by an employee.
In Utilitarianism the aim of our actions is to achieve happiness for the greatest number of people. “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.” (Mill, 1971). Utilitarianism directly appeals to human emotions and our reactions to different events. Emotions are a fundamental Way of Knowing and influence both ethical and economical theories. In most cultures there are fundame...
Incorporating ethics into everyday decisions in the business world can greatly reduce the scandalous behavior that has as of late has run ramped. Obviously, we have seen the results and consequences of business conducted absent any moral or ethical boundaries. When decisions are made without the consultation of ethics there is no direction from the moral compass and surely consequences will follow. Choices contemplated by managers may often seem difficult, but assessing the options against ethics can assist the manager in making the best decision.
,dishonesty ,substance abuse and absenteeism. Would all play a part in the ethical violation of
The Utilitarian Approach: the ethical decision should provides the greatest good for the greatest number;
As a member of the AC I will suspend the surgeon because this will teach other members of the hospital the importance of policies that must be follow in order to prevent mistakes. In regards to the family and when it comes to being ethical the family has the right to know about the incident because as healthcare professionals we must keep in mind that veracity is part of our principle of human dignity. We must be honest and truthful even if this means that there might be consequences such as a lawsuit. We will also explain to the family that we have follow hospital polices and the person in charged of the mistake has been taken care
Commercial law, also known as business law, is the body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade, and sales. It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals with issues of both private law and public law.
A company's code of ethics is very important to establishing the expectations and quality of its brand. The code of ethics are concrete expectations for employee behavior, accountability and communicates the ethical policy of a company to its partners and clients. A good business practice is to have sound ethics. Having good ethical practice is knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing what the right thing is. Though good ethical behavior is something that should be done automatically, a company needs to have a set of rules in place that holds everyone accountable. Over the last twenty years, the country has been bombarded with company scandals and unethical behavior; though morally wrong, the punishment does not fit the crime. The punishments have been overkill. A murderer, rapist, or child molester commits violent crimes and potentially is out of jail in 10 - 20 years. The CEO’s that commit white collar crime receive 25 years to life; this paper will discuss how this punishment for committing nonviolent crimes, such as breaching a company’s code of ethics, are disproportionate to violent crimes that plague the country today.
Nursing errors are an inevitable part of the practice of medicine. According to John Hopkins medicine article, [2] studies suggest that medical errors are now the third leading cause of death in the U.S. An establishment of moral and ethical standard comes from the disclosure of medical errors to patients. This is one thing that can’t be ignored when implementing solutions to improve the situation. Rathert and Phillips [3] highlight on the significance of managing ethical environments in health-care organizations. According to Rathert and Phillips [3], aggressive management of organizational ethics in healthcare organizations is crucial.