Monologue About Tattoos

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I’ve never been the kind who fits in with everyone. I mean, I do, just everyone think I’m one of those snobby rich girls who wants friends and likes to spend money on random things that they don’t actually need. Ever since I came to this planet, I’ve been made fun of by my tattoo on my left arm, and how I act really weird around certain things. No one’s perfect and you can’t just judge someone for being this way. The main thing that I hate about this planet, are the people that always judge others because of their tattoos, or how they dress, or even their appearances. I’m one of those people who get made fun of for those things. Sure I’m only thirteen and I have a tattoo and sure I dress differently than all the other humans, but that’s …show more content…

So what if I have red and purple eyes? Does that mean you say something like, “Violet, what the hell is wrong with your eyes?” or, “Violet, you’re creeping me out, stop staring at me with your devil eyes.” It’s just how I am. If you don’t like it, then you can either leave me alone, stop making fun of me for it, or maybe get a life and stop being jealous that I actually look good and you don’t. Whenever something like this happens, I just put some music on or maybe, just maybe, punch someone really hard *cough, cough* my brother *cough, …show more content…

Those people are Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Hawk Women. These people weren’t the strongest in the universe until they decided to extend their walls and make their League bigger. Now they have people on it like Green Arrow, Aquaman, and Black Canary. There’s obviously more when it comes to battles, but for now, I’m keeping everything simple. All of the original Justice Leaguers have some sort of kid or relative in their families that has the same power that they have. In this case, their kids are becoming apart of our little

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