Monogamy What Does It Mean To Be Promiscuous Woman

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Living in a society where the paradigm of monogamy dominates the way of living for many has caused difficulties for those who choose to adhere to a different set of rules for love and relationships. This tension between the monogamous population and those who reject the idea of having one partner for the rest of their life is due to a number of things, but mostly there being a lack of understanding.

As women are proudly standing behind every dick they have ever sucked, revealing outfit they have worn and every sext they have sent to the male or female they were interested in, their personal convictions and morals have come into question. People have even gone as far to disregard what these women truly feel in their hearts, and vaginas, and …show more content…

Slut, trollop, harlot, and the list of names to call a woman who sleeps around goes on and on. It is very much true that there are women out there who enjoy having sex and spend their weekends accosting people at bars, clubs and even when walking down the street on a Monday afternoon. Of course, if anyone hears about someone behaving in this manner, they are going to feel a certain way and believe this person is being promiscuous.

Like many things, when it comes to society's views on sexually-related topics, what it means to be promiscuous really depends on the person being asked. Generally, a person who is considered promiscuous, simply put, is someone who has casual sexual relationships with different partners. When choosing these people, they are not discriminatory when it comes to their age, race or gender. Although a person who is promiscuous may attempt to be in a monogamous relationship, they may often fail to remain faithful or have a healthy relationship due to multiple reasons, including mental illness and sex …show more content…

Many people who decide to be polyamorous are not as indiscriminate and reckless as those who are promiscuous. Their partners are just as carefully chosen as the partners of someone who believes in monogamy. In addition to this difference, those who are promiscuous tend to have a higher number of sexual partners, which is partly as a result of their reluctance or inability to commit to one person. Both ideas do have a focus on sex, but with polyamory there is love, intimacy, affection and many of the other perks of being in a relationship with someone.

Not everyone is programmed to be in a monogamous relationship. For thousands of years, people have made the decision to have only one partner for this rest of their life, and this has resulted in people giving credence to the idea that everyone, male and female, should have only one sexual partner that they are committed to and choose to date or marry. But for close to the same number of years, there has been evidence that the monogamous lifestyle is not one everyone agrees with or wants to

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