Miraculous Survivors: Why They Live While Others Die?

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A survivor is someone who remains alive while others have died during a time of disaster. The most vital attributes a survivor must uphold are humility and independence.

A survivor should be able to uphold the trait of humility in a time of crisis. In the article, “Miraculous Survivors: Why they live while others die” about many people who exemplify attributes of a survivor, J. Blake states, “They survive because they are humble… They know when to rest, when they shouldn’t try something beyond their capabilities”( Blake, 19). This conveys that they are humble and know when to stop when they can’t continue on. In a time of crisis, people often feel fear before anything else. Fear often keeps a person from controlling their emotions or decisions. …show more content…

Blake stated, “Survivors tend to be independent thinkers as well… They headed downstairs through a smoke-filled stairwell and didn’t wait to be rescued”( Blake, 20). This example highlights the independence of these people as they decided to not follow the instructions given to them and did what they thought was best for themselves. Followers don’t do what is best for themselves during a tough situation thinking that what the leader thinks is best might be best for them. On the other hand, those who think for themselves can survive because they do what they know is best for them, knowing that they are capable of going through with their plan. In regards to the quote above, during the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, there was a security telling people who were trapped to stay put and wait to be rescued, but some people went down a smoke filled stairway where they were told not to go, and survived. The attribute of independence in these people helped in their survival because if they would have stayed and waited to be rescued they would have never survived. Independence can allow someone to think what is best for themselves, because no one knows when something could go differently than expected in a time of

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