Minnesota Vikings Marketing Strategy

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“If you try to sell products to everybody, you can waste money on advertising to people who aren't interested (Johnston, n.d.). The statement is true in the sports business industry. Many organizations and companies will waste money on marketing to consumers who just are not interested. Creating and understanding the consumer profile of the target market an organization is trying to reach is essential when gaining fans and having successful business. For this assignment, I chose the NFL team, the Minnesota Vikings. With supported information to create a specific consumer profile and identifying three marking ideas to apply the consumers and how each idea creates a competitive advantage. To correctly create a consumer, profile the right information must be addressed and found primarily through the demographics of the fan base. The Minnesota Vikings are located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sports Business Daily create a demographic profile of the NFL team’s fans. Vikings cans were ranked higher than other teams 34.9% having a college degree and 54% having a household income of over $150,000; meaning that over half the fans have a higher source of income and higher education (Sports Business Daily, 2003). “Also, almost half the fans are family oriented with 48.5% have at least one child in their household (Sports Business …show more content…

They could set up a few different activities for the kids and families outside of the stadium for example; snow cone machines, and bounce house. There could be a giveaway of specific family night t-shirts for that game. This would encourage fans to bring their family’s and enjoy this specialty night together. Having these specialty night making the Vikings favorable and showing that the organization is supportive, engaging with the fans, and family

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