Milk Skepticism

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Around 7,500 years ago in Europe, humans developed the ability to consume milk without getting sick (UCL, “Milk Drinking Started Around 7,500 Years Ago in Central Europe”). With that information, people have many opinions on milk, whether it is actually healthy for our bodies. This essay shows that the idea of dairy products being harmful to the human body is based on the skepticism theory.
For starters, humans have been drinking milk for so long it has become common belief it is healthy. This dairy product is most commonly known for having calcium. However, milk is also high in vitamin D (“Food Sources of Vitamin D”1). In order to absorb calcium, we need vitamin D to ensure we have healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D and calcium help maintain a balanced diet because it has an excellent source of vitamins and minerals (“Calcium and Vitamin D: Important at Every Age” 2). During our lifetime we need about 400-600 IU/day of vitamin D. Allowing children to drink milk results in healthy bodies. So as we get older milk helps strengthen them because the elderly develop brittle bones. The government of Canada recommends drinking milk to have the best nutritional value. It is filled with nutrients to provide the best drink for humans. This beverage prevents …show more content…

Those who are skeptical are doubtful and believe any knowledge on any belief is impossible because they are only opinions. In addition, no true knowledge exists. Therefore, if we only have opinions then we know there is no absolute truth. This is called relativism; it differs from culture to culture (“chapter 7”). The pros of skepticism include being able to make your own opinion about your beliefs. To question everything therefore not being gullible and believing everything you hear. The cons of skepticism also include questioning. Too much can lead to unanswered questions and lead you nowhere. Another con is always analyzing and completely losing the reason behind

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