Milk Persuasive Speech

603 Words2 Pages

Jaleesa Gonzalez
“How Milk Gets From the Cow to the Bottle”
Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will know how to collect milk from a cow and package it to the bottle.
Pattern of Organization: Chronological
Attention-Getter: While I spent my early years growing up in Northern California, my family owned a house surrounded by countryside and farmland. I have many fond memories of my grandpa bringing me on adventures, especially ones that involved animals. One of my favorite memories is the time he brought me to a farm and showed me how to milk a cow and I even got to pet one too!
Central Idea: Milk is a beverage that is consumed by many people around the world.
Relevance Statement: Many cows are milked on a daily basis. Milking is not an easy process and there are many steps involved. I think everyone should know …show more content…

I. Preparation Before Milking the Cow
A. You must first start the preparation.
1. The person that will be milking the cow needs to wear latex gloves.
2. They must change their gloves several times during the process.
B. The person milking the cow and the cow’s teats must be sanitized.
1. The cow’s teats are sanitized by a process called a per-dip.
2. The cow’s udder hair must be trimmed or remove to prevent contamination.
C. The cow needs to be tested by a process called foremilk stripping.
1. Milk is squirted into strip cups or onto the floor.
2. The person milking the cow must look for flakes or clots which might mean that the milk have a form of mastitis.
Now that you have prepped and sanitized the cow, let’s apply the milking machine.
II. Milking the Cow
A. You must apply the milking machine onto the cow’s teats.
1. The
B. The cow is now being milked and it’s a timed process.
C. You must detach the milking machine at the end of the

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