Military Effort Should NOT Impose High School Students Into Civil Service

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To start, I entirely oppose the thought of compelling all high school graduates to serve in the military or any type of civil service, because it seizes the opportunity to let graduates begin their life careers. Additionally, mandatory service is removing a person's free will, which goes against what our nation stands for. Therefore, we should not impose young individuals into any sort of civil service. In all honestly, I believe that all military effort should be on a volunteer basis.

On the other hand, publicity may think that sending adolescents into civil services can be educational and promote national unity, but in my opinion, it is only placing those children's lives at risk. According to ConnectUS, there is an immense possibility of casualties that may happen during training just as it may in combat on the battlefield. Further, the military takes in able-bodied citizens to work for them, but granting this can put that generation in harm, and at worst, death. …show more content…

Consequently, sending former high school students into civil services will put their careers on hold by not allowing them to go and do whatever they want as a future job. For example, a student may know everything there is to know about genetics, but when they have to go into the army, they won't find a job within that where they can use those skills. This example shows that in the future when a student has completed their time in civil duties, then they will have to relearn all of the previous knowledge that they could not remember from high school, taking longer to start their

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